Back in 1992 when I was slowly extricating my way out of the Wacthtower, there was no internet, smart phones or any other type of quick data download available. I had basically 3 choices to obtain viewpoints from Ex-JW's.
#1 - Go to go to the library and look for books critical of the Society
#2 - Go to a Christian book store to look for the same.
#3 - Order item like these from addresses or phone numbers listed in the back of these publications.
And while doing any of these things, you were always looking over your shoulder to see if any "brothers" were around.
The problem I experienced is that virtually all of these books, while giving you good reason to doubt the Watchtower, always pointed to "Christendom" as the way you needed to go. As a result I found myself attending various churches trying to figure out what made sense to me. It was only after a few years of this that I finally concluded there was nothing supernatural that really pasted any kind of serious test.
Nowadays, you can sit at the comfort of your computer in your pajamas and find all kinds of data that can help you find your agnostism/atheism without having to take this detour.
For those of you who are now in the agnostism/atheism tent, did you get there straight from the Watchtower or did you also take the long way around?