I know that all everyone's experience vary but I ask this because I am under the impression that since JW's are taught to avoid reading material that may be critical of their teachings they just stay away. Yet many of you violated this at some point to come accross information that confirmed or convinced you of "the problems" with the org. I have also spoken to active JW's online who seem to know the controvercies but still defend the org vigorously. Awaiting comments...
Did any of you know the TATT before you left?
by marriedtoajw 23 Replies latest jw friends
Who is the "TATT"?
i personally had no clue. i was really indoctrinated. i hated service but i did it. i liked giving talks though. i think what did it for me was realizing my destiny involved marrying from a limited supply of females just because of availibility. even then my brain said "jehoobr will supply one at the right time". lol. what a tool. interestingly i had the adam sandler album "what the hell happened to me" if you have not heard it, i recommend it... well there was a skit called "joining the cult" check it out. anyways there was a conversation to the effect of "do you think the hot girl has a friend for me?" and adam replys, "probably, and if she doesn't she'll go out and recruit one". i just kept hearing that. i guess subconsciously the connection was made.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ONp7zGzlp0E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
joining the cult. performed by some wankers
Miss Pb
TATT = Truth about the Truth
Although I have been out since I was 18 or 19 (not baptized) I never questioned anything. It was more that I didn't want to follow the rules. I am now 35, found reddit's exjw community by chance about two months ago (with links to other resources) and have been reading voraciously ever since. JWfacts.org was mind-blowing to me. I was hesitant to read it for a few days (OMG I'M GONNA BE AN APOSTATE!!) but after the first article, I was all in. Or out, as the case may be.
Yes I left back in around 1980 after realizing all the hoopla of 1975 was a put up fraud and that the date was nothing but
an inaccurate calculation. One which was produced to promote literature circulation and nothing else.
A big red flag went up from that point on. Mind you I was a quiet tentative fader, moved slightly out of town and
never returned to any Kingdom Hall. Didn't think god would be in support of crass deliberate lying commercialism.
When the inter-net arrived with its available information about the WTS. and its history, that pretty much sealed it for me for good.
Father is still a JW and step mother is said to be anointed. Oh well life goes on .
Born in, I was. Realized the TATT early on, and left at age 18. :))
TTATT is the reason that I left.
Yes, that's why I left.