I was deleted as MS some years ago, a brother thought I became an elder. At the circuit assembly, He asked me if I am elder now, I said Yes so the brother told me ALL of the gritty details about his wife and her sister that got disfellowshipped at the same time. They went out with the worldly guys and they both got pregnant. When the brother found out that I lied to him, he was very furious with me and he has not talked to me ever since.
What was the biggest lie that you have ever told any JWs while you were still a JW?
by Iamallcool 15 Replies latest jw friends
nothing. i was straight shooting with the wt. maybe when id say that field service was upbuilding(it was not). but that pales in comparison to the lies we were told by the org.
on this note i would like king sols opinion. he seems to have some law knowledge. was the wt sociopathy, i mean society forthcoming with the truth to us? are they not legally "in breach of verbal contract" with us, for with holding vital info about the truth? if enough publishers were recorded lying about policies, could we sue for BRAZEN misinterpritation of facts that could and have caused mental or physical distress?
I'm really honest with people, putting on a smile at the hall and saying I was happy to be there was the biggest lie I ever told. There were some nice folks in my last congreation, so even then there was some truth to it.
Biggest lie? Pretending to be the perfect PO"s kid for 20+ years. I was freakin' Keizer Solze!
llama, this is your best thread topic yet -and that's no lie!
I never got in trouble for that, I guess he was too ashamed to tell the elders on me.
Pretending to be dedicated to Jehovah. I revoked that dedication after that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag had stiffed me and drove the opposite sex out of my life, despite repeated warnings that if he continued doing what was bad for me, my dedication would be revoked. Obviously, that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag thinks he has the right to ruin my life, and still get my service.
I also lied to them (and myself) about hating Christmas decorations. The first year, I believed the lie and was self-righteous about the whole thing. After that, it was a plain lie--the fact is, I have always been attracted to colored and flashing lights, particularly when they come in the form of small lights strung across houses or arranged in trees and bushes. Yet I lied both to myself and the witlesses and told them that I hated them as a waste of electricity. (By the way, the newer LED lights use about 1/10 the electricity of the old incandescents, and the newer incandescents use about half the energy of the older ones.)
Similar to what 'Maninthemiddle' stated.
That I was happy to be among them. Couldn't have been further from the truth. Yet I kept on pretending; perhaps trying to convince myself that it was ME and nothing else.
The more I said I was happy, the more miserable I became on the inside.
So yes, it was probably the biggest lie while I was with them.
biggest lie? hmmmm, more like a lot of little ones. Most repeated lie: "I enjoy field service! lets do it again next Sunday." Ugh.
At the age of 17 - to hopefully avoid more hits, kicks, slaps from my oh-so-"Christian" and "loving" parents - that I 'wanted' to get baptised...