because they have been at it for years without producing a new recruit (bearing fruit) this snippet from the november km will/should comfort them.
3 How We Bear Much Fruit: According to Jesus' illustration, those who accept the
message would "bear fruit." (Matt. 13:23) After a wheat stalk sprouts and matures, the
fruit it produces is not little wheat stalks, but new seed. So the fruitage that successful
Christians produce is, not necessarily new disciples, but the many-fold duplication
of Kingdom seed-our expressions about the Kingdom. This results in much "good"
from which we can obtain satisfaction, regardless of whether people respond. We are
contributing to the sanctification of Jehovah's name. (Isa. 43:10-12; Matt. 6:9) We
are enjoying the privilege of being God's fellow workers. (1 Cor. 3:9) And such "fruit
of lips" delights Jehovah.-Heb. 13:15, 16.
"So did you start any studies today?" said sister holier than thou. "Nope, but I sure did duplicate lots of Kingdom seeds" said sister I'm just as good as you beotch.