Umm bye

by Killa 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Killa

    Well since my other thread was closed and I do not care too much to begin another one -witht the exception of this one to say goodbye- because it would just be closed again, I bid you farwell =)

    Thanks for your genuine comments and to the fake ones (how ironic being I'm fake too lol) I have this to say: hahaha

  • mouthy

    Remember what Granny said though.... Goodbye !!

  • Killa

    I didn't read anything you posted lol. I think apostate (not accusing you Gramz of being one but.. lol) literature is so pathetic. Almost as pathetic as my mask, but not quite there yet.

  • cantleave


  • tornapart

    Bye from me Killa.. and please think hard about getting some more professional help. Also think about what happened to Manasseh 2 Chron 33

    No one could be as evil as he was but God forgave him and he turned his life around. No one is beyond redemption. Get the help you need and you could get your life back. What you're living now is not a life...

    Please think about it.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I swear that thread reminded me of American Psycho, or the old TV show, Profit which was WAY ahead of it's time. Regardless, take care, Killa. Why do I have this incredible urge to say, Dipset?

  • Killa

    You know tornapart. That is the one story in the Bible I read for myself. It shocks me truly how Jehovah forgave him and I hope he too sees at least one good thing in my heart when this is all said and done. Thanks

  • AudeSapere


  • Emery

    Take care and may Thor bless your efforts.

  • nugget

    I feel for your wife. You do take pleasure messing with people and saying things to get a rise out of them. If this is your true persona you will become careless and let things slip. She has humiliation in her future and I wonder what your feelings for her are?

    Your opinion of "apostate literature" really is not even your opinion it is the voice of the society. That is what is so sad about you. Whilst some people have been damaged by their involvement with the society and produce material that reflects this, there are some well considered and well researched articles that present the facts and show why the religion you both follow and scorn is not truth in any real sense of the word.

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