Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-09-2012 WT Study (JULY 15, 2012, pages 12-16)(SERVE/FREEDOM)
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“This is what the love
of God means, that we
observe his commandments;
and yet his commandments are
not burdensome.”
—1 JOHN 5:3.
So what were the commandments that Jesus said God gave? That Jesus gave?
(Matthew 22:34-40) . . .After the Pharisees heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they came together in one group. 35 And one of them, versed in the Law, asked, testing him: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.”
(John 13:34, 35) . . .I am giving YOU a new commandment, that YOU love one another; just as I have loved YOU, that YOU also love one another. 35 By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.”
Yet the WTS/FDS/GB has followed the road of the Jewish religious leaders, expanding, adding and giving official explanations to the rank and file, beyond what the Bible says. “The Bible does not say” but……………
*** it-1p.1069Hebrew,II***
While the Bible does not specifically say , the implication is that the language in which Moses began the writing of the inspired Sacred Record was the same as that spoken by the first man.
*** w08 8/15 p. 10 par. 12 Maintain Loyalty With a Unified Heart ***
The Bible does not say why the younger prophet did not consult Jehovah before turning aside and eating and drinking with the older man. Could it be that the older man told him what he wanted to hear?
*** w07 12/1 p. 32 Did Jesus Own a Bible? ***
The Bible does not say if Jesus or his disciples owned personal copies of Bible scrolls.However, there is no question that Jesus was well-versed in the Scriptures, able to allude to or recite the Scriptures by heart.
*** w01 8/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
Where was Daniel when the three Hebrews were tested before the huge image that Nebuchadnezzar had erected on the plain of Dura?
The Bible does not say , so no man today can establish Daniel’s whereabouts during that test.
Some have suggested that Daniel’s official rank or his standing in Nebuchadnezzar’s favor was higher than that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and that Daniel therefore was not obliged to go to the plain of Dura. Daniel 2:49 does indicate that for a time he had a position higher than that of his three companions. But we cannot prove that this exempted him from assembling with the others before the image.
Attempting to explain Daniel’s absence, others have said that he might have been away on an official assignment or that he was sick and thus unable to attend. However, the Bible does not say that.
*** w00 12/1 p. 30 Must You Believe It? ***
Actually, the Bible does not say that the earth is the center of the universe.
The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleiades appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve.... It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens;....
The constellation of the Pleiades is a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose to the wondering eyes of man. But the greatness in size of other stars or planets is small when compared to the Pleiades in importance, because the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God.
J. F. Rutherford, Reconciliation, 1928, p. 14.
*** w98 1/15 p. 9 pars. 5-6 “Walking by Faith, Not by Sight” ***
Then God added: “As for me, here I am bringing the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens. Everything that is in the earth will expire.”—Genesis 6:14-17. Had there been rain prior to this? The Bible does not say.
*** w95 1/15 p. 28 Assembling With Those Who Fear God ***
In the talk “There Will Be a Resurrection of the Righteous,” the speaker raised an interesting question: “During that thousand-year Judgment Day, when will those who died faithful in these final years of Satan’s system of things be resurrected?”The answer? “The Bible does not say,” the speaker explained. “However, is it not logical that those who die in our day would be resurrected early in order to share with the great crowd of Armageddon survivors in the immense educational work that is to take place throughout Judgment Day? Yes, indeed!”
How does Satan try to make
God’s laws appear burdensome?
Why must we be extremely
careful about our associates?
What will help us to remain loyal
to the God of freedom?
1. How does Jehovah view freedom, and how did he show
that in his dealings with Adam and Eve?
JEHOVAH is the only Person with absolute freedom.
Yet, he never misuses it; nor does he monopolize
freedom by micromanaging his servants.
Instead, he has given them free will, which
allows them to use initiative and satisfy all their
proper desires. For example, God gave Adam and
Eve only one restrictive command—the prohibition
against eating from “the tree of the knowledge of
good and bad.” (Gen. 2:17) What an amazing degree
of freedom they had in carrying out their Creator’s
Does God have absolute freedom or does he have to obey they physical and moral laws he has set up?
600 plus laws in the Law is not “micromanaging”? The WTS has even more “laws” for the same reason the Talmud was developed, the religious leaders could not allow the rank and file to choose.
Only one “restrictive” command for Adam but how many for his descendants and how many from the WTS? The WTS lets each elder body to make their own rules to keep “order” in the congregation. It is not surprising how each body has different “rules.” In one congregation, MS/elders allowed to have mustaches, in others only black and Hispanic brothers, and in another, no mustaches at all.
2. Why did our original parents lose their God-given freedom?
2 Why did God grant our original parents so much
freedom? He formed them in his image and gave
them a conscience, rightly expecting that their love
for him as their Creator would guide them in the
right way. (Gen. 1:27; Rom. 2:15) Sadly, Adam and
Eve failed to appreciate their wonderful Life-Giver
and the freedom that he had given them. Instead,
they chose the illegitimate freedom offered by Satan,
which was moral independence. But instead of finding
more freedom, our original parents sold themselves
and their future offspring into bondage to sin,
with disastrous consequences.—Rom. 5:12.
Does the WTS teach that both men and women are in God’s image?
*** w727/15p.445Woman’sRegardforHeadship—HowDemonstrated?***
Woman, too, was created with these qualities. However, her position is different from that of the man. The Bible tells us: "[Man] is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory." (1 Cor. 11:7) But why does not this text say that the woman also is God’s "image"?
It should be remembered that man was created first and for some time was alone, being in God’s image by himself. The woman was made from the man and was to be subject to the man. The woman’s position thus is one that cannot reflect God’s position ofheadship toward his creatures, and it is this matter of headship that is discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Jehovah God is not subject to anyone. Unlike the woman, the man does not have an earthly head over him when it comes to matters relating to his wife and children. Hence in this respect he alone is "God’s image." In other respects, of course, the woman shares with the man in reflecting the admirable and lovable qualities of God.
Right way = free will?
Did Adam and Eve have any idea that there was a Satan and that it was he Eve was talking to…not a snake?
3, 4. How does Satan try to deceive us with regard to Jehovah’s
3 If Satan could induce two perfect humans—not
to mention a number of spirit creatures—to reject
God’s sovereignty, he could deceive us too. His strategy
remains much the same. He tries to mislead
us into thinking that God’s standards are
burdensome and rob us of fun and excitement.
(1 John 5:3) That thinking can exert
a lot of power if we are repeatedly exposed
to it. “Bad association greatly influenced
me, especially because I was
afraid of having a different opinion from
my peers,” said a 24-year-old sister who
had engaged in sexual immorality. Perhaps
you have experienced similar peer
But remember that Job was faithful without even knowing who was testing him, supposedly Satan. Does the WTS say that each jw is being personally tested by Satan or by his system?
1 Corinthians 15:33 is talking about association in the congregation, not just outside.
*** w044/1 p.13 par.13***The Bible wisely admonishes us: “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Corinthians 15:33) Bad associations can involve anything or anyone—even within the congregation—reflecting the spirit of the world.
*** w80 6/15 p.19par.13***
Even in the Christian congregation there may be an environment or association that is spiritually not most helpful. Some who recently came out of the world and symbolized their dedication to God by water baptism may tend to bring into the congregation something that still clings to them—a measure of worldliness… Today, in the congregation, do we gravitate toward members who still smack of worldliness? They regularly indulge in it and want to have the company of other members so as to feel a measure of justification for their frequent indulgence. Do we let our social environment or association inside the congregation hinder us in running well in the race for everlasting life? Do we allow congregation members who still incline to worldliness to persuade us into taking the same direction that they are taking, because it is so pleasing to our fallen flesh?
While God’s standards are not burdensome, the WTS are much like the religious leaders of Jesus day.
*** cl chap.15 pp.152-153 pars.10-***
The religious leaders buried God’s Law under a mass of man-made rules and regulations. The Sabbath law, for instance, simply forbade work on the Sabbath, setting that day aside for worship, spiritual refreshment, and rest. But the Pharisees made a burden of that law. They took it upon themselves to decide just what “work” meant. They labeled as work 39 different activities, such as reaping or hunting. These categories gave rise to endless questions. If a man killed a flea on the Sabbath, was he hunting? If he plucked a handful of grain to eat as he walked along, was he reaping? If he healed someone who was ill, was he working? Such questions were addressed with rigid, detailed rules.
In such a climate, how was Jesus to help people understand what justice is? In his teachings and in the way he lived, he took a courageous stand against those religious leaders. Consider first some of his teachings. He directly condemned their myriad man-made rules, saying: “You make the word of God invalid by your tradition which you handed down.”—Mark 7:13.
(Matthew 23:1-4) . . .Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. 3 Therefore all the things they tell YOU, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform. 4 They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger.
4 Sadly, on occasion negative peer influence
can also come from within the
Christian congregation. “I have known
some young ones who dated nonbelievers,”
said a Witness youth. “Eventually,
though, it struck me that the more I
hung around with them, the more I was
becoming like them. My spirituality began
to suffer. I was not enjoying the spiritual
food at the meetings, and I barely
went out in service. This was my signal
to cut off those associates, and I did!”
Are you aware of the power that your
associates can have on you? Consider a
timely Bible example.—Rom. 15:4.
What about hanging around the gossipy men and women in the congregation as they share confidential information, make up information, and judge people as unworthy?
The WTS tells members that even if the food is not well-prepared, you should still come and eat.
Associates such as Saul, David, Bathsheba, Solomon, all examples to follow?
5, 6. How did Absalom mislead others, and
did his scheme succeed?
5 The Bible contains many examples
of those who were a bad influence on
others. One such example is Absalom, a
son of King David. Absalom was an exceptionally
good-looking man. In time,
however, like Satan, he let greedy ambition
fill his heart, for he began to covet
his father’s throne, to which he was not
entitled.* In a sly attempt to seize the
kingship, Absalom feigned deep concern
for his fellow Israelites while cleverly
insinuating that the king’s court
lacked regard for them. Yes, just like the
Devil in the garden of Eden, Absalom
presented himself as a benefactor, at the
same time cruelly maligning his own father.—
2 Sam. 15:1-5.
*God’s promise to David of a future “seed” to
inherit the throne was given after Absalom’s birth.
Therefore, Absalom should have known that Jehovah
had not chosen him as David’s successor.—2 Sam.
3:3; 7:12.
Remember Absalom’s full-sister Tamar was raped by her half-brother Amnon. And what did David do?
(2 Samuel13:21) And King David himself heard about all these things, and he became very angry.
But not willing to do the just thing betting Absalom and Tamar did not want this made public.
(Leviticus 20:17) . . .“‘And where a man takes his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother, and he does see her nakedness, and she herself sees his nakedness, it is shame. So they must be cut off before the eyes of the sons of their people. It is the nakedness of his sister that he has laid bare. He should answer for his error.
6 Did Absalom’s clever scheme succeed?
To some extent, yes, for the Bible
account states: “Absalom kept stealing
the hearts of the men of Israel.” (2 Sam.
15:6) In the end, though, Absalom’s arrogance
led to his own downfall. And
tragically, it also led to his death and the
death of the thousands who were overreached
by him.—2 Sam. 18:7, 14-17.
Remember David was an adulterer, had a man murdered to cover up his capital offense. Yet God let him live.
7. What lessons can we learn from the account
about Absalom? (See picture on page 14.)
7 Why were those Israelites so easily
deceived? Perhaps they desired the
things Absalom promised them. Or
maybe they were swayed by his physical
appearance. Whatever the case, we
can be sure of this: They lacked loyalty
to Jehovah and his appointed king. Today,
Satan continues to use “Absalom's”
in his attempt to steal the hearts of Jehovah’s
servants. ‘Jehovah’s standards are
too restrictive,’ they may say. ‘And look
at all those people who do not serve Jehovah.
They have all the fun!’ Will you
see through such contemptible lies and
remain loyal to God? Will you recognize
that only Jehovah’s “perfect law,”
the law of the Christ, can lead you to
true freedom? (Jas. 1:25) If so, cherish
that law, and never be tempted to misuse
your Christian freedom.—Read 1 Peter
Perhaps….maybe…mmmm….speculation, adding to the bible….
Should they have been loyal to an adulterer and murderer, a man whose deliberate sin having a census done let to the death of 70,000 innocent people by David’s choice?
“Look at all those people who do not follow men,” the GB, the WTS, who have misrepresented God is more like it. How many lies has the WTS and its representatives told.
8. What real-life examples illustrate that happiness
does not result from disregarding Jehovah’s
8 Young people in particular are a
target of Satan. A brother who is now
in his 30’s said about his teen years:
“I viewed Jehovah’s moral standards as
a restriction, not as a protection.” As a
result, he committed sexual immorality.
But this brought him no happiness.
“Deep feelings of guilt and remorse surfaced
for many years,” he said. Reflecting
on her teen years, a sister wrote: “After
committing immorality, you feel cold
and empty. Even now after 19 years, bad
memories come back.” Another sister
stated: “The thought that my conduct
crushed the people I love so much had
a mentally, spiritually, and emotionally
devastating effect on me. It is terrible
to live without Jehovah’s favor.” Satan
does not want you to think about such
consequences of sin.
Young people…why then did Satan target an old man like Job?
Are young people most likely to commit immorality? Name someone in the bible, young, whose story includes immorality?
So after 19 years, she can’t forgive herself and supposedly God has? Is it living without God’s favor or that of judgmental people in the WTS organization.
At least she didn’t have anyone murdered to cover up her sin like David did.
9. (a) What questions can help us to analyze
our view of Jehovah and his laws and principles?
(b)Why is it important to know God well?
9 How sad that many young ones in
the truth—and even a number of older
ones—have had to learn the hard
way that sinful pleasures often come
at great cost! (Gal. 6:7, 8) So ask yourself:
‘Do I recognize Satan’s schemes for
what they really are—cruel deceptions?
Do I view Jehovah as my closest Friend,
the one who always tells the truth and
wants what is best for me? Am I fully
convinced that he would never withhold
from me something that is truly
good and will result in my greatest happiness?’
(Read Isaiah 48:17, 18.) In order
to say a heartfelt yes, you need to
have more than a superficial knowledge
of Jehovah. You need to know him intimately
and recognize that Bible laws
and principles reflect his love for you,
not a desire to hem you in.—Ps. 25:14.
Why is it that rarely does the WTS encourage its members to be Jesus’ friend?
While God may not withhold his forgiveness, how long does it take jws to forgive?
Bible laws—only 2 for Christians per Jesus. How many does the WTS have?
*** w07 6/15 p.20***The above words of Peter, though, call our attention to a danger—that of elders’ “lording it over” the congregation. One step in that direction is an elder’s making unnecessary rules. Out of a strong sense of obligation to protect the flock, an elder might go too far. In one congregation in the Orient, elders made rules on how to greet others in the Kingdom Hall—such as who should speak first—believing that following these rules would contribute to the peace of the congregation. Though the motives were no doubt good, were those elders imitating Jehovah’s care for his people? Significantly, the apostle Paul’s mental attitude was reflected in his words: “Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing.” (2 Corinthians 1:24) Jehovah trusts his people.
*** w96 9/1 p.20 par.3***
Indeed, Christians are obligated to observe all commands in the Bible that are directed to followers of Christ. And there is more. Jehovah’s organization, as well as individual congregations, has to establish necessary rules and procedures in order to preserve good order. (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40) Why, Christians could not even meet together if they had no rules as to when, where, and how to hold such meetings! (Hebrews 10:24, 25) Cooperating with reasonable guidelines laid down by those given authority in the organization is also a part of fulfilling the law of the Christ.—Hebrews 13:17.
How can we identify modern-day Absaloms and guard ourselves against them?
10. Why should we strive to imitate young
King Solomon?
10 When he was still a young man,
Solomon humbly said in prayer: “I am
but a little boy. I do not know how to
go out and how to come in.” He then
prayed for a wise and obedient heart.
(1 Ki. 3:7-9, 12) Jehovah answered that
sincere request, and he will do the
same for you, whether you are young
or old. Of course, Jehovah will not give
you miraculous insight and wisdom. But
he will make you wise if you earnestly
study his Word, pray for holy spirit,
and take full advantage of the spiritual
provisions made available through
the Christian congregation. (Jas. 1:5) Indeed,
by these means, Jehovah makes
even his young servants wiser than all
those who ignore his counsel, even the
so-called “wise and intellectual ones” of
this world.—Luke 10:21; read Psalm 119:
Did Solomon retain an obedient heart, did he ignore God’s counsel…he died an unrepentant “apostate” having married non-believers and followed and supported them in their beliefs.
11-13. (a) What valuable lessons can we learn
from Psalm 26:4, Proverbs 13:20, and 1 Corinthians
15:33? (b) How would you apply these
Scriptural principles?
11 To illustrate the value of studying
the Bible and meditating on what we
read so that we can come to know Jehovah
intimately, consider the following
scriptures. Each one contains an important
principle regarding our choice of
associates: “I have not sat with men of
untruth; and with those who hide what
they are I do not come in.” (Ps. 26:4) “He
that is walking with wise persons will
become wise, but he that is having dealings
with the stupid ones will fare badly.”
(Prov. 13:20) “Bad associations spoil
useful habits.”—1 Cor. 15:33.
Do jws study the bible or only snippets and citations (looked up?), in context?
So no knowing Jesus intimately?
Well, if jws applied Psalm 26:4, they could not attending any meetings, assemblies or conventions of jws.
Stupid ones…the same people who said organ transplants were cannibalism from 1967 to 1980, and then said it was a personal choice from 1980. So what about the jws that died between 1967 and 1980, frightened of displeasing God and being case out?
12 What valuable lessons can we learn
from those texts? (1) Jehovah wants us
to be selective about our associates. He
wants to protect us morally and spiritually.
(2) We are influenced for good or
for bad by the people with whom we associate;
that is simply a fact of life. The
way the verses above are worded shows
that Jehovah is appealing to our heart.
How so? Notice that none of the verses
are set out as rules, such as “you must
not . . .” Rather, they are written as plain
statements of truth. In effect, Jehovah is
saying to us: ‘Here are the facts. How
will you respond? What is in your heart?’
What about the liars and those who hide who they are in the congregation, elders who have been adulterers for 20 years or pedophiles?
So were their statements about transplants facts?
13 Finally, because the three verses
are set out as basic truths, they are timeless
and have a very broad application.
To illustrate, ask yourself such questions
as: How can I avoid associating with individuals
“who hide what they are”? In
what situations might I come in contact
with such ones? (Prov. 3:32; 6:12) Who
are the “wise persons” with whom Jehovah
wants me to associate? Who are the
“stupid ones” he wants me to avoid? (Ps.
111:10; 112:1; Prov. 1:7) What “useful
habits” will I ruin by choosing bad associates?
Will I encounter bad associates
only in the world? (2 Pet. 2:1-3) How
would you answer these questions?
How about the sisters who gossip in service, including elders wives and pioneers? Are they stupid ones?
Or the elder who said during a public talk that DisneyWorld was the closest thing to the kingdom on earth?
14. How can you enrich your Family Worship
14 Having thus reasoned on the Scriptures,
why not examine other Bible texts
that reveal God’s thinking on matters
that concern you or your family?* Parents,
consider discussing such topics
during your Family Worship evening. As
you do, keep in mind that your goal is to
help each family member to appreciate
more fully the depth of God’s love for us
as revealed in his laws and principles.
(Ps. 119:72) Indeed, such study should
draw all in the family closer to Jehovah
and to one another.
*Good examples are 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, where
Paul describes love, and Psalm 19:7-11, which sets
out the many blessings that result from obedience to
Jehovah’s laws.
Reasoned on the scriptures, snippets not in context, ideas that will change 13 years later as the WTS did with organ transplants.
15. How can you discern if you are developing
a wise and obedient heart?
15 How can you tell if you are developing
a wise and obedient heart? One way
is to compare your thinking with that of
the faithful ones of old, such as King David,
who wrote: “To do your will, O my
God, I have delighted, and your law is
within my inward parts.” (Ps. 40:8) Likewise,
the writer of Psalm119 said: “How
I do love your law! All day long it is my
concern.” (Ps. 119:97) Such love does
not grow in shallow soil. Rather, it is a
result of deep study, prayer, meditation,
and experience—seeing in one’s own life
the countless blessings that result from
adhering to God’s standards.—Ps. 34:8.
Like David’s thinking…taking another man’s wife and then having him killed to cover up his capital offense. Even later conducting a census, and then choosing a punishment that leads to the deaths of 70,000 innocent people, not David’s death.
16. What must we realize if we are going to win
our fight for true freedom?
16 Throughout history, nations have
waged brutal wars in the name of freedom.
How much more, then, should you
Be willing to fight spiritually for your
Christian freedom! Realize that your enemies
Are not just Satan, the world, and
Its poisonous spirit. You also have to
contend with your own imperfections,
including a treacherous heart. (Jer. 17:9;
Eph. 2:3) Yet, with Jehovah’s help, you
can win the fight. What is more, each
victory—large or small—will have at least
two positive effects. First, you will make
Jehovah’s heart rejoice. (Prov. 27:11)
Second, as you taste the liberating power
of God’s “perfect law that belongs to
freedom,” you will become even more
determined to remain on the ‘narrow
road’ to everlasting life. In time, you will
enjoy the more expansive freedom that
lies ahead for Jehovah’s loyal ones.—Jas.
1:25; Matt. 7:13, 14.
Though does the WTS laws and rules liberate people?
CARROT: everlasting life
Loyal ones – only jws
17. Why should we not get downhearted about
our imperfections, and what help does Jehovah
17 At times, of course, we all make
mistakes. (Eccl. 7:20) When that occurs,
do not feel worthless or overly discouraged.
If you stumble, so to speak, get up
and move forward—even if that means
asking the local elders for help. Their
“prayer of faith,” wrote James, “will
make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah
will raise him up. Also, if he has
committed sins, it will be forgiven him.”
(Jas. 5:15) Yes, never forget that God is
truly merciful and that he drew you into
the congregation because he saw your
potential. (Read Psalm 103:8, 9.) So as
long as you maintain a complete heart
toward Jehovah, he will never give up on
you.—1 Chron. 28:9.
Yes, the elders and others in the congregation will do that for you, make you feel worthless and OVERLY discouraged.
So do the elders have the power to forgive sins (or rather say that sins have not been forgiven)? How many jws do think though the elders have the power to forgive sins?
*** w96 4/15 p.29***Furthermore, elders today do not have divine authority to forgive serious wrongdoing in the sense of pronouncing a serious sinner clean in the eyes of Jehovah. This kind of forgiveness has to be on the basis of the ransom sacrifice, and only Jehovah can forgive on that basis.—Psalm 32:5; Matthew 6:9, 12; 1 John 1:9.
18. How can we act in harmony with Jesus’
prayer recorded at John 17:15?
18 While praying on his last night
with his 11 faithful apostles, Jesus said
these unforgettable words in their behalf:
“Watch over them because of the
wicked one.” (John 17:15) Jesus’ concern
was not limited to his apostles, but it extends
to all his followers. Hence, we can
be sure that Jehovah will answer Jesus’
prayer by watching over us during these
critical times. “For those walking in integrity
[Jehovah] is a shield . . . He will
guard the very way of his loyal ones.”
(Prov. 2:7, 8) Yes, the way of integrity is
not without its challenges, but it is the
only way to everlasting life and true freedom.
(Rom. 8:21) Let no one lure you
from it!
So does the WTS really teach that each and every jw is individually target by Satan?
Does the WTS promise individual protection?
*** w08 9/15 p.9 par.8***
As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed. We take the position expressed by the three faithful Hebrews who refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s image of gold. Those God-fearing young men did not presume that Jehovah would miraculously protect them from physical harm. (Read Daniel 3:17, 18. ) As matters turned out, Jehovah did deliver them from the flames of the fiery furnace. (Dan. 3:21-27) Even in Bible times, however, miraculous deliverance was the exception rather than the rule. Many faithful servants of Jehovah died at the hands of opposers.—Heb. 11:35-37.
Integrity to God or the WTS or is the same thing?
So how free can jws be if they can’t even have meetings without rules?
Who do/did you fear as a jw?
Love, Blondie