Should gays be allowed to adopt?

by Kenneson 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Intuit39

    I thought the program was great. It wasn't too difficult to see that two men, together for 18 years, were definitely able and willing to nurture children.

    Moreover, the children they have devoted their lives to were all born with HIV. What makes this case particularly astonishing is that they are suing to adopt 10 yr old Bert because Florida's Dept. of Families and Children has indicated that they might remove him from their foster care so that he might be adopted by a straight couple or individual. They're perfectly suited to care for unwanted foster children, but not to adopt them? That's just plain wrong!

    The idiot Senator they interviewed grossly misrepresented a British study that didn't find any greater statistically significant tendency to have same-sex thoughts or experiences for teens raised by lesbians as for teens in the general population. What it did conclude was that children raised in a same-sex environment were less likely to grow up thinking of such a possibility as wrong or abnormal. Is that so awful, really?

    Okay, great, the ideal parents for human children are Mom and Dad. I've worked with teen fathers, and studied the literature; I know the importance of the involvement of both genders in child-rearing. But guess what? Many happy, responsible adults have been raised by one parent with the help of grandparents, aunts and uncles, and close family friends.

    I agree with Joel that growing up gay is difficult. I would add that coming to terms with it as an adult is even more so. No one I know WANTS kids to grow up to be gay, but guess what? It is part of human nature, so what we CAN hope for future generations is some educated understanding, rather than the perpetuation of ignorance.

    But I would challenge Joel to find an adoptive HETEROsexual family where there doesn't seem to be something missing. I challenge anyone to find any 'step family' where there doesn't seem to be just a little something missing (or worse). I know two gay male families where one partner already had custody of his own children from a failed hetero union, and they each are unique and successful arrangements (if not problem-free, just like everyone else!).

    Thankgod that it is getting easier for gay youth to be themselves. One part of the whole equation that IS definitely learned from society is fear and self-hatred. Men who sneak around or hate themselves are far more likely to engage in risky behavior than two men in a loving relationship who are comfortable with who they are in the world.

    I feel that EVERY case of adoption should be evaluated on a case by case basis, with no reference to sexual orientation. It has to be better for children to be in a stable loving home, than to be passed from home to home or left in institutions.

    Have a great weekend all!

  • DakotaRed

    While I don't necessarily condone homosexuality, meaning it isn't a lifestyle for me personally, why shouldn't gays be allowed to adopt? Being straight or gay should not be the determinig factor, but how much you love children and can provide for them. Not necessarily just in monetary terms, mind you, but that they would be raised in a safe, secure and loving environment.

    Personally, I feel adoption is way too expensive and some who would adopt cannot due to monetary constraints.

    Just my two sense.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • wonderwoman77

    Yes gays should be able to adopt. I use to baby sit for a family that had adopted three children and they were a lesbian couple. They loved those children so much and still do. The kids have a wonderful stable home environment. I think that gays wait until they are in a much more secure environment before adopting most of the time and that is good for the children. Love, nuturing and the ability to care for the children you adopt is what is important. I think the bigger problem is when one couple adopts huge numbers of children. This may be ok, but it could lead to the same neglect the children had experienced in the past.

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    In the Netherlands gays are free to adopt children (and also to marry).
    In my opinion it’s okay if they have a stable relationship.


  • rem

    Dedalus - you read my mind! I've never been a big fan of Rosie either, but I too was impressed by her interview. I think Rosie did a great job!

    They really made the Florida legislator look like a bigoted idiot. (which he most definitely is!) I just don't understand why religious people (at least fundys) who are supposed to be the most honest and god-fearing people find it necessary to outright lie and make up their own 'facts'. Their intellectual dishonesty and bigotry disgust me. How do people like this get elected? In my mind, Christian fundamentalists have to be the most blatantly dishonest people on earth.


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • yumbby

    I just know that as an adopted kid, I cried when I watched rosie like that, I would have loved to have her as a parent, by the nice sweet things she said then my horrible hetero parents. It would have been a lot better for me. I have gay friends who have children, and everything is great for the kids, but it is a hard life for a gay person and who would wish anything to be hard on their kids? Not me. Its just easier being hetero, however I would support my kids totally if they were gay.

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