Why won't my friends help me?

by sleepy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Why won't my friends help me?
    I had one letter about 9 months ago while I was still going to the meetings warning me about apostate tendancies.
    Then a phone call from another friend just after christmas telling me he couldn't see be any more.

    This has been the extent of my former friends encouragement to get me to see the errror of my ways and come back to the fold.
    None of these people see me any more.
    None of these people have made any effort what so ever to get me back!
    I'm thinking of phoning some up and asking them "why?"
    Why have they let a former friend one whom they have known and grown up with , shared problems had good and bad times, even stopping one of his friends from committing suicide, helping them through depression , sharing with them in the ministry enjoying their company and everything else, why have they not contacted me or tried to help me in any way?
    Have they spent time on the ministry, going to meetings?
    I bet they have.But when it came to one of their friends questioning the "truth" they now treat him as dead even though he is not disfellowshipped.

  • YoYoMama

    You don't want help, they know that you're a waste of their time. If you want help go to the damn Kingdom Hall!

  • NameWithheld

    Wow YoYo is on rare form today!

  • Prisca


    If you do ring them up they'll probably have an attitude just like YoYo: "If you want help, go back to the meetings."

    I've had exactly the same shunning treatment, even though I'm not da'd nor df'd. Once you stop attending meetings regularly, you're treated as "bad association", regardless of how much help you offered to them in the past. All those years in field service mean nothing now. All the talks you gave are fogotten. The kindness you offered to others won't be ever returned.

    And they wonder why we don't go back to such "love".


  • metatron

    sad to say, they were never your friends,
    just acquaintances who acted the part.

    Lesson to be learned: if you want real friends, don't
    look for them among Witnesses - their friendship is
    conditional upon the local elders and Society's approval.

    There's too much jealousy in Witness 'friendships', too.
    It used to horrify me to see how much outright rejoicing took
    place when some successful Witness failed - it made other
    people in the congregation happy! "Well, you're not so perfect!"
    I was reminded sometimes of the Eastern European joke
    An angel tells a man "I will give you whatever you wish
    but I must give your neighbor twice as much"

    the man replies "beat me half to death"


  • pandora

    They are known as fair weather friends. Not TRUE friends.
    You will find better friends outside of that place.


  • metatron


    What a loving Christ-like reply!

    I appreciate your comment! What better way to manifest the
    REAL SPIRIT OF THE "TRUTH"! You are demonstrating EXACTLY
    the kind of Witness attitude I've talked about!


  • patio34

    You had friends??? That's more than a lot of folks at that frigid place . . .

    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • Stealth
    Why won't my friends help me?

    Because they are not true friends!

    Proverbs 17:17 defines what a true friend is:

    17 A true compainion is loving ALL the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. (bold mine)
    With friends like YoYo who needs enemies.


  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    It's really strange, while my brother and I were in the borg. we weren't really friends, but after we left we are now the best of friends. We love each others company and feel a closeness we never had before. Go figure.

    Ken P.

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