dear Monica,
I read your post and sad to say your post is full of second hand half truths. How do I know this? Well Robert Bryant and I were very close at one time. I know his JW family and I knew the situation surrounding his being disfellowshipped. You are not worthy of an explaination in any way shape or form.
Please leave those of us alone who knew him to grieve this loss. We are still wondering why the hell this happened. It just makes me sick how some of you here have to capitolise on anything you can to smear JWS. If you think his family hatefully shunned him you are wrong. They loved their son, brother, brother in law. Yes they were obedient to JWS laws on disfellowshipping, but they had no malice in their hearts towards him. We got the news today from his sister in law, who by the way was sobbing. Oh yes, she is a witness.
But let me clue you in on one fact. Robert really wanted nothing to do with his family. When his sister in law wanted to see his kids, he said no way. The reason being that since, they his JW family was part of Babylon the Great, and they wouldnt listen to him, he wanted nothing to do with them. Janet his wife was not herself disfellowshipped, but dissociated herself. He was disfellowshipped for more than a mere arguement with a person in the congregation. He told a whole body of elders his spiritual views. Oh, when he was disfellowshipped by-the-way, the faithfull Jws were also put on trial. The whole situation was hard on everyone concerned.
The moral of the story is this. Dont invent scenarios to suit your mind set. We at this time do not know why he did what he did. Till that time as more information comes out, you have no right to speculate. Did his Jws upbringing drive him to do this? Well who knows. But at this point my mind and heart are grieving for the people who died.