I am not a JW, but I do have some questions.
1. What is the basis for believing all religions other than JW are false? Is there a scripture that states this? What about "judge not, lest ye be judged"? How is man's place to judge other men?
2. I really don't understand how Jesus is the Messiah. I don't get how he is a descendent of David, since Jesus is not biological Joseph's son. To me it would make more sense if Mary were Joseph's sister or mother. Biologically it just doesn't add up. Also, what about the fact that many of the biblical propheticy haven't been fulfilled?
3. Even if Jesus is the Messiah. Doesn’t believing that He is a god, just on a lower level than God (Jehovah) a clear violation of the first commandment to believe in God and to have no other gods but God?
4. Why is that some Mosaic laws are no longer required for Christians, such as not eating pork, but others such as the ones against male homosexuality are still binding?
5. Speaking of homosexuality, the Bible only talks about male homosexuality, what about between two women?
I really mean no disrespect by any of these questions. I am searching for a religion and am currently studying with a JW, and quite frankly a lot of it just doesn't make sense to me.