Dont bother. You are wasting your time, and you are showing yourself up. Everyone is entitled to act how they like, they will reap the consequences for their actions, good or bad. You Know is simply doing what he believes to be true. He has been told the truth and is reacting to it in the way he thinks he should.
Just stop bugging him, theres no need for wasting bandwidth or time. IF he refuses to answer, just accept he wont answer. If he answers out of hatred and hypocrisy, just accept that is what he is.
although You Know does attend the meetings at the Kingdom Hall he doesn't share his "rogue, non conforming and unique views" with the friends there (because he respects the importance of not placing the peace of the Congregation at risk). Instead, he communicates those views to the proper ones in Brooklyn. They know his name and the Congregation he attends.
If this is true (and I'm not saying I believe that it is), then it just points out again the hypocrisy of the Watchtower. After all, anyone who was just a congregation member in an average congregation who posted on an apostate forum and said the things that You Know says, even to the extent of disagreeing with the published statements and policies of the Society at times, would quickly be disfellowshipped as an apostate if he were caught. Many here can attest to the swift action that is taken among JW's when someone openly contradicts the organization's teachings or policies. If Brooklyn does indeed know who YK is and what he posts here, and yet takes no action, they are engaging in another of their double standards. Why is there one standard for You Know and another for rank and file JW's? "Two sets of weights are something detestable to Jehovah," are they not?
"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan