The reason I ask is that I am an avid hunter and I fish just as much.When I was going to the hall I was never discouraged to hunt or fish but I kept it to myself.It was a personal thing that I never pushed on anyone.Just curious...
Do any of you hunt or fish?
by Waygooder64 11 Replies latest jw friends
I love to go fishing, but can not get myself to go hunting. My uncle took me with him once while hunting rabbits and made me carry the kill home. I had nightmares for months. I was only 10 at the time.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
Man I love to fish and hunt.
I've been known to go fishing. Usually don't catch anything though.
I remember going duck hunting once with my father when I was little. This was during our pre-JW days, so I must have been 4 or 5 years old. It's actually a good memory. We were hunkered down in the tall grass, and we had peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. I don't remember whether we came home with any ducks, but to me it felt like a good day. Once my parents became JWs, dad never went hunting again.
I seriously doubt I could stomach going hunting nowadays. I hate guns.
Love, Scully
My husband is an avid hunter but I cant eat the meat. I just feel so guilty they are such beautiful animals. I usually see the deer before he skins it and cuts it up. I must admit when I first saw him do this, I saw a different side of him. It seemed to cruel but he has hunted since he was a child so its natural to him. I do know that he will always be able to put food on the table if need be.
We do love to take the kids fishing, we live in an area that has lakes and streams galore. We have tourists that come to the area all year long to take advantage. -
Yes, I do. Well, I hunted like a fiend from the age of 10 or so until I was about 30. I've hunted everything just about. The last passion was for duck hunting. But something happened around the age of 30, and I just got tired of killing. I don't begrudge anyone who wants to go hunting. It's against my nature to attempt forcing my way on anyone else.
In fact, I firmly believe that if you're not a determined vegetarian, you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to the hunting argument.
Now fishing. That's another matter altogether. I have a friend who calls around Thursday. I pick up the phone, and his voice says, "Meet me at the dock Saturday at 5:30 in the morning." Then he hangs up, not even waiting for a response. And at five thirty Saturday, I'm there. Never failed yet. Works the other way 'round, too. I love fishing. I love to eat fish. But the fishing and the fish have to be saltwater. No freshwater fishing for me.
Hi WG,
I enjoy fishing, not so much catching fish but I love the lake and all the wild birds and animals I see. My brother and I enjoy the time together, having a beer or two and riding around in the boat. We catch a few fish but just enjoy the outside world.
My grandson loves hunting, he lives in the country and there are deer, turkeys, beavers, fox, rabbits and once in a while a bear will wonder through. There is a river a hunder yards or so at the back of his home. It's about 15 minutes from my home. He still lives at home with his mother and step-father. He only hunts deer and turkeys.
Ken P.
Early in my life as a JW I used to enjoy the occasional fishing trip with a couple of other brothers, we never used to catch a lot but it was good fun. Then we had a CO's visit and someone 'mentioned' to him that there were some in the cong who liked to go fishing. We got a nice bollocking from the platform on how we shouldn't go fishing even if we ate what we caught (this I later found was all his personal opinion). So as a faithful (compliant?) JW I sold all my expensive fishing equipment for peanuts. I really kick myself now for being such a plonker. A few years later there was a small article in the WT or AW about spending time with your children and the pictured example was a father fishing with his son. This was another eye-opener for me as to how much of the spiel we had to listen to week in week out was just the opinions of men. So anyway, Brother CO, I figure you owe me about £600 for the fishing gear you made me sell. :)
I hunt and fish. Since I live in a rural area almost everyone at my old hall also hunted and fished. What I found funny was when I visited a kingdom hall in San Francisco I was visiting with some people in the hall and mentioned how much I enjoyed doind that. They had all sorts of scriptures lined up for me about how wicked hunting is.
Then I told them that I hunted with our DO all the time and they said "something is wrong there" and I'll bet a penny the society was notified before I got home
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
: The reason I ask is that I am an avid hunter and I fish just as much.When I was going to the hall I was never discouraged to hunt or fish but I kept it to myself.It was a personal thing that I never pushed on anyone.Just curious...
Yes. I do. You ARE talking about dubs, aren't you? "Fishers of lost dubs" and "hunters of DipFucks," yes?
Maybe I mis-understood your question.