Brent and Jean Smith

by LittleToe 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Anybody know Brent and Jean Smith?
    My wife carries the distinction of receiving a sympathy card, from them, due to my recent DA.

    Word certainly is getting around.

  • Scully

    Little Toe:

    A "sympathy" card??? Like the kind you send when someone dies??

    That is just RUDE.

    Love, Scully


    If it is from the Uk it is most likely Brent Smith a Cicuit Overseer in the North of England.

    One of the few nice guys on the travelling work. However he is a company man through and through.


  • LittleToe

    No, it was a picture card, sending her condolances for my rebellion.
    I wonder if I should ask her if I can put it on the Net?

    Yes, you've got the right one.
    We've known them for many a year.

  • Solace

    Oh my God. That is sad.
    I suppose, they do consider us as good as dead since we are no loger active.
    Imagine how tortured these people are.
    My uncle once said that he didnt want to have a relationship with my children since they were just going to be killed in armageddon anyway. I guess he was crying when he said it.
    Its so twisted ya' know?

  • WildTurkey

    LoL. Oh man thats funny. Hey you should send Jean a card, condolances of her hubby still being brain washed. No just kidding, dont want to sink to their level. Well brother your not dead in our eyes. Take care Litte Toe.

  • frogit

    Hi I know Brent & Jean.

    Not seen them for ages tho, Brent was such a story teller, never could work it out if the stories was really true. They are a nice couple, Jean used to sit in the entrance bored out of her mind while Brent sometimes gave talks, shed heard it all before.

    Jean was the only CO wife who was well, all the other CO wives had some sort of very rare illnesses.


  • Thirdson

    Isn't Brent Smith a Yorkshireman?

    He used to make jokes about young lads who were undeserving of their heritage of being Yorkshire bred. At least the one I knew 15-20 years ago.


  • Reborn2002

    Sorry WildTurkey, I WOULD sink to their level.

    Sometimes the only thing these Dubs understand is something right in their face! Maybe then they can see how rude, condescending, and vile they are. At the very least, return the favor so they do not think they continue to get away with bullshit in their holier-than-thou attitude.

    LittleToe, if I were you, I would send a card offering my condolences for being heartless and indoctrinated, so as to have the AUDACITY to send a card to your wife considering your DA. I would really tell this jackass off.

    That is NONE of their business, and CERTAINLY RUDE TO MAIL IT TO YOUR HOME!

    Fuck the Jehovah's Witnesses man.

  • joannadandy
    I would send a card offering my condolences for being heartless and indoctrinated

    Hallmark makes one like this? Kick ass!

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