A request......

by WildHorses 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    I've made a few friends here on this forum in the year I have been posting, but it saddens me to hear that one of them is being treated as if they are a troll.

    Yes, I know, there are a few trolls that frequent this forum but we can't treat all newcomers as such. They come here for help and by our treating them as trolls. We are actually making them feel shunned.

    Please give people the benefit of the doubt and treat them as the human being they are. Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if your reason for coming here was legit and you were made to feel unwelcome?

    Are we not here to help and not hurt?


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • BluesBrother

    Quite right Lilacs,

    We all came here because we have been hurt by the Borg. (Now I am even using that name) It may be easy to mistake genuine comments for sarcasm . I believe we cannot definitively "See through" someone by computer.

    This brilliant site is doing a marvelous job,educating all number of lurkers who just read what we say and it can help them find the courage to stand up for what they deep down believe. I will not forget how encouraged I was to find so many English members.

    Give all people the benefit of the doubt until they show there true colurs

  • tyydyy

    I agree Lilacs,

    We should be careful to not acuse anyone of being a Troll until we have evidence that proves it. All it takes is a little patience. Trolls will inevitalbly get caught in their own lies. We should run with our feelings and start accusing someone just because their story sounds suspicious or just because they aren't aware of the proper netiquette.


  • waiting

    howdy lilacs,

    It seems some just love to spot a troll - which is an imaginary character, btw.

    Like playing "I spy!" However, spy people sometimes don't realize that real people can be hurt or irritated by their actions. And people come here - usually - to form a bond with like minded persons, not bond with spys.

    Tell your friend to give us another try? Perhaps she caught the Spy Poster?


  • puzzled

    You are truly a sweetheart.
    I didi get your e-mail thanks for the link. I'll e-mail you later. It's Sat i got lots to do.
    Take care Jan/aka-plm

  • Simon

    It's hard knowing what to do if you suspect someone ... if there isn't any 'cast-iron' proof / immediate evidence that they are a troll or duplicate poster I usually hold back from doing anything (and even then I sometimes wait to see what people post).

    If they are not doing anything immediately "wrong" then best to go slowly I think - even if they post a questoion that isn't genuinely based on their experiences etc... the fact that the question could still have merit and the answer could be of use to other readers means we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bath-water (is that the right metaphor?).

  • singsongboi

    that makes sense -- discuss the idea, not the messenger!

  • WildHorses

    Thanks you guys, I know it is hard. Like I said many times, I wasn't raised a witness.

    I was only associated with them a total of six years. Maybe this is the reason I do not worry about the troll thing so much, but I do feel we all tend to jump the gun sometimes, and maybe sometimes it turns out we are right when we do, but this time it hurt a nice persons feelings and it made me feel bad that that happened.

    Thanks for understanding.

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • NeonMadman

    Lilacs, I'm guessing that you're talking about ShyGurlie here, and if it turns out that she's for real, I have to admit that I'll feel rotten for thinking that she is YoYoMama posting under a new name.

    But, let's face it, the circumstantial evidence was pretty blatant. First off, she sounds like YoYo, her style, spelling, etc. match his pretty closely. She showed up here for the first time a few hours after Simon banned YoYo from the board, and YoYo came back five times under new names, each of which was also terminated by Simon. Like YoYo, ShyGurlie takes the position of a believing JW, and YoYo has also posted here in the past under the name SexyTeen, pretending to be a teenage girl.

    To top that off, ShyGurlie's very first post started off with the statement, "Im A young high school girl," which, I'm sorry, just doesn't sound to me like something a young high school girl would really say (other posters have expressed the same feeling).

    I try to be open minded in these things, but in this case, the weight of circumstantial evidence just doesn't look good for ShyGurlie. It will be interesting to watch her posts for a while to see if she is indeed for real, or if her trollhood becomes evident with the passing of time.

    Of course, if you're not talking about ShyGurlie, then let me say in my very best Emily Litella voice, "Never Mind"!


    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan
  • WildHorses

    Neon, no, it isn't shygurlie, I do not even know who that is.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.

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