Lilacs, I'm guessing that you're talking about ShyGurlie here, and if it turns out that she's for real, I have to admit that I'll feel rotten for thinking that she is YoYoMama posting under a new name.
But, let's face it, the circumstantial evidence was pretty blatant. First off, she sounds like YoYo, her style, spelling, etc. match his pretty closely. She showed up here for the first time a few hours after Simon banned YoYo from the board, and YoYo came back five times under new names, each of which was also terminated by Simon. Like YoYo, ShyGurlie takes the position of a believing JW, and YoYo has also posted here in the past under the name SexyTeen, pretending to be a teenage girl.
To top that off, ShyGurlie's very first post started off with the statement, "Im A young high school girl," which, I'm sorry, just doesn't sound to me like something a young high school girl would really say (other posters have expressed the same feeling).
I try to be open minded in these things, but in this case, the weight of circumstantial evidence just doesn't look good for ShyGurlie. It will be interesting to watch her posts for a while to see if she is indeed for real, or if her trollhood becomes evident with the passing of time.
Of course, if you're not talking about ShyGurlie, then let me say in my very best Emily Litella voice, "Never Mind"!
"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan