As a lurker I’ve watched this site for >2 years and agonized over whether to join-in or keep my anonymity. Now I’m trying to do both; join-in with specific posts; remain anonymous by keeping my personal details to myself. I guess some will berate me for this. Also, some will say I’m too pro-wts, others that I’m too anti-wts. However, I hope, maybe in vain, to remain focused on the subject at hand rather than a personal agenda.
My Venting
I’m speaking out now because it’s impossible to voice an opinion or ventilate feelings within the wts. Herds of elephants may be in the room, but their presence cannot be acknowledged. The blackout on honest, conscience driven speech extends from the top down to every dub. There are so many the things dubs want to say to the wts, but cannot. Speaking to COs or writing a letter to the BO never seems to go much farther than that. Nothing seems to penetrate.
One remedy: send the upper hierarchy of the wts back to their roots – everyone take an enforced sabbatical. One year’s leave from their positions could refresh them no end. If they would spend 12 months as lowly dubs in nondescript congregations, they might begin to see how boring and useless meetings can be; how pointless field service has become; how insincere many servants are. A year spent this way should change them, but would it?
Regardless of that, there are bigger issues. Since the wts was built on the foundation stone of chronology – the equivalence of a doctrinal geological fault line, there are inevitable tremors. The wts cannot control shifts in the understanding of the dates and times which constitute the tectonic plates on which it stands. Tectonic plate movements irreversibly realign overhead structures. After the coming realignment can the wts be any different from BG?
Just now it seems, (to use a familiar term) Mama is going through change of life and doesn’t want to talk about it. Any mention of cracks surfacing in her doctrines, causes acute embarrassment. Cryptic admission of cracks and forced realignments, historically come only after a regime change and even then, grudgingly. Is there any sympathy? Hardly! As neglected children living on a “non-fattening” diet of spiritual gruel and drivel, dubs are the ones in need of sympathy!
Back again. At this stage, I don’t plan to be a regular poster. Things might change, but my intention at the moment is simply to air my feelings about a few things that I see as wts flaws.
Thanks for your patience.
mtwtf (Think daze)