Any gamers here?

by poopsiecakes 58 Replies latest jw friends


    Ya I game all the time..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Nambo

    Do you play Skyrim on PC?, in which case do you use mods?

    Morrowind expanded into twice the original game due to the work of modders, there is allready a lot of good mods for skyrim, reviews the top 5 mods of the week.

  • Jadeen

    I'm on my first go around- told myself that I had to finish school before I could start Skyrim! My character is a Bosmer rogue- light armor, archery, and sneak.

    I haven't gone through town in skivies; I'll try that tonight!

    Uh, edited to add: In the game, I'll go through town without clothes.

  • flipper

    JADEEN- Thanks for the clarification on the video game. Guess I wouldn't know as I don't play video games much . My son and I play chess as well, pretty cool game. I taught him when he was young.

    POOPSIE- Well thanks ! Glad you enjoy Scrabble. My wife is a wonderful gal and I'm lucky to have her in my life for sure ! I feel blessed

  • Jadeen

    Mr. Flipper, the hubby and I play Words with Friends a lot too. Currently, we have two games going- low score and high score. We usually go back and forth with who wins!

  • poopsiecakes

    DD, that's exactly how I feel about it - it's like I'm writing the story as I go but within a framework. It's a great escape from a job that I love but that I find stressful and draining at times.

    High five to all of us who need to get away from reality sometimes!

  • poopsiecakes

    Nambo, I started gaming when I bought a PS3 for cheap with points at a local drug store if you can believe it. Getting used to the controls almost did me in at first but once I got the hang of it, I was hooked. So no, I haven't been playing on PC. If you want to know the extent of my geekdom, I've been sharing screenshots with some friends on another board that I have to take of my TV with a camera then download to my PC. This is how bad it's gotten LOL.

  • poopsiecakes

    Jadeen, I'm big on sneak as well but opted for the heavy armor once I discovered the steed stone. I also like wearing the tavern clothes when I'm just sashaying in town.

  • Jadeen

    Poopsie, any other RPGs that you like to play? I'm also a big fan of the Dragon Age series, Jade Empire, and some of the older Final Fantasy series. Could not get into the latest one though.

  • poopsiecakes

    Jadeen, I popped my gaming cherry on Oblivion, then went right into Skyrim and haven't yet felt the need to stray outside of this series. I've heard about Dragon Age though, and would really like to give it a try - especially if Bethesda goes along with their plans to turn the Elder Scrolls into another WoC type thing...sigh...

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