
by rather be in hades 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    hahaha. i'm considering trying both every day. would that send me straight to hell in a hand basket? should i opt for every other day?

    i did try the oil again today. i figured i could just rinse it out every night even if i don't use the baking soda and just reapply oil as needed.

    i dunno if i didn't put enough in or what, but it certainly doesn't look 'right'

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    a new pm :P

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    you two are rude.

  • mrsjones5

    And you're jealous

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I think I'm gonna just send some random PM to somebody and then go back and forth in a thread about it.

  • mrsjones5

    Have at it! You can pm me if you like.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I think I'll pass on you for fear of turning you into a diva.

  • mrsjones5

    Well too damn late for that.

  • moshe

    for those who need help- PM Mrs Jones for specifics


    Tea Tree Oil Home Remedies

    By: kevinp
    It is a good home remedy for oral infections. Few drops this essential oil in a cup of water makes a good antibacterial mouth rinse. A drop around the gum line may help prevent or reverse gum problem.

    The much talked about oil treats vaginal yeast infections, plantar warts, genital warts and insect bites.

    When rubbed on to scalp will help in getting rid of nits, dandruff and lice.

    It fights viruses, bacteria, fungi thereby boosting the immune system to ward off infectious diseases.

    Couple of drops applied to wounds, small scratches, scraps, minor skin irritations and cuts cures the affected area by penetrating the skin without leaving any scars.

    It is a good home remedy for acne. It heals the acne scars and unclogs the pores. Single large drop tea tree oil dabbed on the pimple at the first sign may clear it up quickly.

    Add small amount to your warm bath to relax and rejuvenate you. It helps to remove persistent body odor and soothe sore muscles.

    Massage some drops of undiluted oil for athlete's foot and ring worm infections.

    Inhalation of few drops provides great relief for persistent colds, flu, toothache and even whooping cough. Dab it around your nose to open up clogged nose soothing sinuses. Dab a drop 2 or 3 times a day at the first sign of a cold sore.

    It treats abscess, blisters, burns, oily skin, rashes, spots and warts.

    It cures sunburns, toenail infections and problems of smelly feet.

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