Muslim riots in Sydney 6 police injured why?

by Witness 007 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Ive seen the video mocking islam but i dont understand how attacking police officers...smashing cars having kids holding signs like "death to America" "behead the infidels"is any way to promote ones faith. I find this behavior discusting.

  • designs

    Having sat through 40+ years of Watchtower studies where we were told we would be the 'chosen survivors' of Armageddon (and we bought it) you can only imagine what it is like to hear the Islamic message where they rule the world because 'God Wills It'. Having gone to Evangelical meetings post JW and hearing their version of the End Times and how they come out on Top gives me some guessing room as to how a dedicated conservative Muslim must see the world as ripe for taking.

  • jemba

    Because the Australian Gov keep letting in these crazy muslims with their own hateful violent agenda. They hate the western world and want us all dead. All muslims need to stay in one country, hell they are even killing each other over there. There is no reasoning with extremists.

    The one thing we need to do is withdraw our troops from the middle east and stop wasting precious lives and much needed funds on a war that no one can win.

  • Phizzy

    It is ironic in the extreme that these people use the freedom granted them by Australia and similar free democratic nations to try to bring about a restraint of freedom and eventually to bring about a world in which the word freedom would not exist.

    The poor benighted fools need an education.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Not all muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslims.

    I have no problem with them living here as long as they understand and obey the laws, which are required of ALL Australians.

  • ssn587

    IMO no Muslims of any ilk or variety should be allowed to immigrate into any other country but their own. Especially since they don't want religious freedom for others and look at others as wordly er I mean infidels. Doesn't the WT look at others as basically infidels themselves? With that kind of thinking its like trying to drive a 16p nail into the eye of a needle and being successful.

    Their rioting and burning of embassies killing of others isn't much advertisment for their religion of peace. I say we ship millions of donkeys over to the middle east and keep the men busy with their love lives so maybe they won't be so hell bent on causing hate and hurt to others.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    IMO no Muslims of any ilk or variety should be allowed to immigrate into any other country but their own

    What about Muslims that are born in Australia, England or any other Christian country? Do they have to be shipped out to a foreign country?

    What about converts to Islam? What country should Cat Stevens (can't remember his new name) move to?

    What about Muslims who come to our countries as asylum seekers?

  • jookbeard

    these idiots make me laugh and how much they embrace everything all American ; McShite,Burger King, Pizza Hut,MTV, Apple , American cars etc.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yeah, funny how most Muslims are everyday people like you and I.

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