No worries, james. I don't take questions as attack :)
I see what you are saying Tammy and think that is the only way really that it can be explained from a christians' perspective. For part of the bible to say 'all scripture is inspired' but then create a canon of scripture ignoring some texts because it does not agree with what
you believe is intellectually dishonest.
Totally agree... hence 'woe to you scribes'.
In truth, I do not really worry about what is or is not scripture and inspired. How could I know for sure (or how could I know what parts might be mistranslated, perhaps due to misunderstanding)? I can ask and listen to Christ. But then, why not just listen to Him and do as HE says, to begin with, instead of worrying about which is scripture and which is not? Scripture is supposed to testify to Christ. But scripture does not give life... Christ does that, since He IS life. Hence his admonition 'you continuously search the scriptures because you think that by them you have life... but you refuse to come to me to have life."
So this is what I do. I test everything against Him (if we're talking about what is written, then what is written), but I can also ask Him and wait for His answer though the spirit as well (this might not mean anything to a non-beleiver, but I have to speak honestly). What He says (as the Word and Truth of God) is all that really matters. God said to listen to His Son.
tammy (off to work, sorry)