They can't die because ... THEY ARE ALL ALREADY DEAD!
"Millions Now Living Will Never Die"
by drewcoul 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks, Doc, you're right, it was "May Never Die" first; I didn't realize they were using the slogan so early. The earliest mention (at least that I can find) is in the 1 January 1918 Watchtower, where it is "May Never Die".
Leolaia, I think introductory comments of the first of the new CDs on the Organization refer to it as "MAY" which is what made me go searching out this issue. I thought they were trying to re-write their history. Fact is, it did START OUT as "MAY" but that was very short term, as the discourse generated such excitement that JR pumped it up even more with "WILL" (no doubt with the backing of the Holy Spirit).
Yeah, and if you look at the Watchtowers from 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, etc., it's 100% the more affirmative "Will Never Die".
Proof Conclusive That Millions Now Living Will Never Die was the subtitle of The Harp of God starting with the earliest edition of that book in 1921.
After the predictions of 1925 failed to come true, that subtitle was dropped and The Harmony of the Ten Primary Bible Teachings was added to later editions, I believe beginning in 1928.
bats in the belfry
They are cocky, aren't they:
This means what is says: It is a fact - Investigate.
Proof conclusive.
People can be very gullible when it comes to sugar-coated candy promises of eternal life.
I no longer have access to the WT library, but I am sure my memory is correct that in the past few decades they have referred to the book as being entitled ".... may never die".
When in fact, in print (apart from talk advertising), it was always "will never die".
It is those references you need to locate, it shows their revisionist attitude to their history.
Sept 23, 1921 issue of Titusville Herald Newspaper published a part Millions Now Living WILL Never Die. You can look at old newspaper articles from
Since the anointed upon their physical death will be living in heaven. So they did not really die. Does that mean that millions of jws are in heaven ruling with Christ instead of 144,000. So if Rutherford meant heaven or earth, he came up wrong!
AWAKE advertisement 05/22/1989:
Millions Now Living Will Never DieThis is no wild assertion. There are sound reasons to believe it.The Watchtower and Awake! magazines regularly point to these Bible-based reasons. Send only $10 and you will receive both magazines (four copies a month) for one year, postpaid.Please send a year's subscription for The Watchtower and Awake! I enclose $10 (U.S.). (Outside the U.S.A., write to local Watch Tower branch for information.)