Yes, it is clear that dating the 2nd coming of Christ, the time when he kicks Satan out of heaven, does not work with the beginning of the "last generation" in 1914 (1914-1994, 80-year generation, Ps. 90:10). If you follow the context and timeline, it is clear the 2nd coming occurs near the very end of that generation rather than the very beginning.
But be clear, 1914 is a very good date for the beginning of the last genereation, because the first sign of that last generation is a world war, i.e. "nation vs. nation, and kingdom vs. kingdom." But 1914 is incorrectly dating the second coming or the "end of the gentile times" which occurs when the Jews actually are restored to their homeland as promised, which takes place on November 30, 1947.
If you follow strict Bible chronology and date the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE, which is what Martin Anstey does by applying the "70 weeks" prophecy to Cyrus, then the date you get for the fall of Jerusalem is 529 BCE. That is, when 455 BCE dates the 1st of Cyrus, 70 years earlier dates the 23rd year of Nebuchadnezzar II to 525 BCE. (455 + 70 = 525 BCE). Year 23 is the year of the last deportation (Jer. 52:30). The fall of Jerusalem thus occurs 4 years earlier in year 19 of Nebuchadnezzar II in 529 BCE. When we apply the "7 times" prophecy of 2520 years to 529 BCE, we get 1992 as the year of the 2nd coming, rather than 1914.
2520 - 607 = 1913 + 1 = 1914
2520 - 529 = 1991 + 1 = 1992
The only question now would be if the true date for the 2nd coming per the Bible occurs before the "last generation" ends in 1994? That answer is obviously, YES. 1992 does occur prior to the end of that generation in 1994. Only 1992 is near the very end of that generation, the last event, and not the first event.
As a further reference, Matthew 24:29 notes that the 2nd coming does not occur until after the "great tribulation": "Immediately after the tribulation of those days... the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven." The "great tribulation" which if not cut short would have exterminated all the "holy ones" is a reference to the HOLOCAUST. The "holy ones" are a reference to the natural Jews. The assigned days of this great tribulation are 7 years from 1940-1947, but these days of WWII were cut short in 1945. That's because, per Zech 13:8, only two-thirds of the Jews were to be exterminated and one third was to be restsored to their homeland. But six million out of nine million (2/3rds) Jews were killed by late 1944! If things continued to go the way of the Nazi Germans, indeed all the Jews in the world could have been exterminated, which was their intent. So to preserve the one-third prophesied to regain their homeland, WWII was cut short in 1945.
So when you have the correct dating, then all the related prophesies work out perfectly.
Satan was kicked out of heaven on December 25, 1992 at the time of the second coming and will soon be abyssed when Armageddon starts (any day now?) But the fact that the elect understand the "great tribulation", which is a specifically dated event occurred on time, adds confidence that Armageddon, though it might seem "delayed" will not be "late" (Hab. 2:3).