Does anyone have flashes of memory from LONG ago that still recur and affect them very strongly? Physically? Even 30 years later?
I still get flashes of something that happened when I was about 9 years old. An insignificant happening, you would think.
I was walking home from school, 35 years ago, and on the footpath I saw a tiny bird that had fallen from a nest.
I can still see that bird. It always recurs every time i eat fried eggs. Its eyes were big and swollen shut. For some reason I thought "fried eggs" looking at it.
Now, everytime I see fried eggs I see that bird.
Another fried egg memory.Something else that links to fried eggs in my mind.
When I was in school 30 years ago,I was about 14, in science class they brought in a box of bulls eyes (real eyes)for us to dissect with razor blades.
What the hell were they thinking, those teachers?
I still see the bulls eyes too.
Enough said I reckon....