Video-Taped Police Beating, Was The Use of Excess Force Justified? What Do You Think?
by Scott77 10 Replies latest social current
Theocratic Sedition
No it wasn't justified, and there's a side of me that wouldn't mind seeing a hit put out on that coward a la' Pappy Mason.
No it wasn't justified... Theocratic Sedition Yes, I agree with you, it was not justified. I thought cops are trained to exercise restraint. I do not know if the African American guy provoked him with a confrontational stance. Could have been a mental health issue on the part of the victim of unjustified police brutality?
I'm tired of these types of cop not doing any time in prison. They should be charged and sentenced. No leed way.
The man in question did take a non cooperative stance and did appear to take a forwarding get out my face attitude with the officer
just before the officer withdrew his baton.
Now whether the officer should have used that amount of force to subdue the man is highly unlikely and was inappropriate to be sure.
Its reminiscent to the Rodney King incident a few years ago.
The man in question did take a non cooperative stance and did appear to take a forwarding get out my face attitude with the officer
just before the officer withdrew his baton.
Now whether the officer should have used that amount of force to subdue the man is highly unlikely and was inappropriate to be sure.
Its reminiscent to the Rodney King incident a few years ago.
I'm tired of these types of cop not doing any time in prison. They should be charged and sentenced.
Put me on the jury.
Civil case, I'll award the $35 Million PLUS $105 Million in punitive damages and try to send a message to the City about who they hire. Good cops cover up for bad cops. Just like the medical community. MAKE 'EM PAY!
Criminal case, I'll convict the cop of assault with a deadly weapon and that f**ker will serve time. A LONG TIME. I'd like to see him come limping out of prison with his backside BLEEDING after being there for a few years with the entire prison community knowing he was a bad cop.
Will there be no end to this kind of abuse of authority?
I also don't like what these COPS are doing. It shows an abuse of power, and it is unjust and yes they are PROBABLY BIGOTS TOO.
Therefore, I totally believe this when I say: COP'S ARE CRIMINALS WITH BADGES !!!!! I might add the other COP is not being abusive maybe because he is also BLACK or of mixed race.