My video recorded apostasy trial is now live

by RayPublisher 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hopscotch

    Thank you so much for posting this Eric. Your courage and composure during that ordeal was a real inspiration.

    The Elder Cosmo was very uncomfortable around the 10 min mark when you were talking about someone telling confidential info to your father in law and also about your wife going to court and the slander you are hearing about you. In fact for most of the first 30 mins he was quite uncomfortable. Then around the 30 min mark he seemed to have made up his mind altogether about you and just sat waiting for it to be over with. Maybe he was trying to block out what you were telling them as it was just too much cope with - his cognitive dissonance must have been in overdrive!

    The whole thing is just so very very wrong and again reminds me of the nazis who were able to brainwash and control some decent ordinary men to such an extent that they would willingly turn against and execute their old friends. (Of course just like there were with the nazis there are some JW elders who relish in the power they are able to wield over others.)

    Looking forward to hearing the rest of it.

    All the best


  • SnakesInTheTower

    marking for later viewing.

    ain't technology grand? see my earlier post on another thread about digital audio recorder spypens.

    As an elder and a chair of a couple of JC hearings, we always had the obligatory question "do you have any recording devices." or the statement "no recording devices are allowed." HELLO... we were doing with so-called "wrongdoers" what would a little lie about not having a recording device matter compared to whatever reason they were there in the first place? DUMB.

    Snakes (Rich ... of the "glad I ain't in that anymore" Sheep Class)

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    Good job man!

    I always argued with my mom over what happens in a JC. She thought it was nice prayer and then everyone hugged and agreed to get along. She had no concept of how hard you have to defend yourself. I wish she could have seen this.

    That is complete bullshit about the different degrees of gross sin, nullifying the scriptual obligation to approach your brother about wrongdoing. REALLY! They just make it up, dont they? They did this to me too. Wouldn't tell me the names of the tattle tales. Then they brought in elders to testify against me as well (they had camped overnight in front of my house, Classy and loving!!) I wish I had recorded it. I had them all in tears and apoligizing to me by the end. That would have been a great video.

    can't wait for number 4


  • JimmyPage

    The elder on the right seemed like a prick to me from the very beginning when he popped his neck as if preparing to take you down.

  • 3dogs1husband

    NICE!!!! beautifuly done!!!!

  • Open mind
    Open mind


  • Pubsinger

    Just a technical point about uploading.

    If you try to upload footage directly it usually takes hours and hours. But if you upload the video into Windows Moviemaker or whatever the Apple equivalent is (you said you were using an iPhone) this produces a much smaller file which uploads a lot quicker, and I do mean hours and hours quicker

    My favourite bit?

    "recording devices are not allowed"
    "Yes I understand that"

  • sizemik

    Ray . . . great job.

    I'm probably right in guessing you were very well prepared . . . you certainly seemed so. Elder experience is an advantage but not essential . . . so long as you're well prepared. Your efforts will be valuable to a great many, and hopefully these brothers will have cause to remember this one day soon. The points you raised were well chosen . . . particularly the blood fractions and judicial process. They were indefensible not unanswerable . . . there is a subtle difference. A "spiritual shepherd" should have a sound bible-based explanation and be able to "make a defense for the faith" You used the scriptures better then all three of them combined. OUTLAW is right . . . you kicked ass. Of course, they won't see it like that.

    Sadly . . . one thing that stood out for me was the impenetrable nature of a controlled mind . . .

  • ilikecheese

    I'm not even a JW and I watched the whole thing! It reminded me of those videos on youtube of pastors or whomever debating with JWs at their door, and the JWs' response contains logic that a four year old would notice is lacking. You sure left them drooling a good portion of the time. Good on ya!

  • jookbeard

    I just missed on part when the elder on the far right used "what" excuse about the WTS UN membership?

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