Here are the pics of the 2012 Gilead Graduation, etc........
by Iamallcool 26 Replies latest jw friends
WTF!!!????! Dollar Tree! Everything's a dollar!!
Chinese food! OMGWTFMBBQ ??
Samuel from Nigeria looked like he was about to start healing or speaking in tongues, wonder what the retention rate of these folks dropping out, sad, what a waste of time and life, the paedophile enablers were out in force.
Joe Grundy
Well, after all that I've heard and read about 'Andre' how nice to finally meet him and hear about the 'hand-selected' 5 month education and encouraging speeches at the graduation.
Just one question - I thought JWs were discouraged from using the internet other than to access the official WT site?
(The pics of large screens reminded me of Orwell's '1984').
so they send the gilead grads back to their home countries now? On a side note, how can I get a hold of some free labour like the wt does so that I
can build a real estate empire?
Is Loesch telling a joke or is he drunk?
Plus I swear Pierce is the spitting image of grandpa Munster
They look like good people having a good time. Just a shame the religion is a load of bunk and they are wasting their time and other people's money.
Guy Pierce looks more and more frail in each new picture I see of him...
By the way, thanks for posting the link to this blog. My image library for Governing Body members just got an influx of fresh stock!!
Cheers Andre and Claudia - you've just done a great service to the apostate community, and you're barely out of Gilead!!