I just read a thread concerning Romney's comments that anyone who receives a government entitlement is a loser. Not very wise to say.
I am curious whether the threads here, where people tell each other off and have no hard facts, are typical of other countries. A substantial prize should await any poster who convinces the other side that they are wrong. Oh, now I see the Truth! Wow, your explanation of Mitt Romney's masterful account to fundraisers changed my politcal ideology completely. Obama convinced me, particularly the comments added by a regular poster. New light.
Frankly, the level of discussion on these threads is an embarassment. Everyone links to their copy and paste or repeats what has already been said 8 million times before.
I am a Dem. The GOP convention floored me b/c I read the text of several Obama comments and the meaning of the comments, on the textual face, was not what GOP leaders said. The ones who are lawyers should be disbarred. I assume the Dems do the same thing. Repeating an inaccuracy until people have no idea what was said. Of course, the text is always available but few look.
Do we get a bad rap b/c we are so large or do you suffer the same thing at your election time?
So many Paul Simon and BOb Dylan lyrics fit.
Imagine what all the money raised could accomplish in fighting disease and poverty.