What do Jehovah's Witnesses look like to Non-Cult members

by Watchtower-Free 13 Replies latest social humour

  • Watchtower-Free

  • HB

    I have never been a JW or been related to anyone in the religion and have never been in a Kingdom Hall.

    Before visiting this site and meeting some ex JWs I didn't know a lot about their beliefs but these are a few of the thoughts that would have previously sprung to mind to describe the impressions I used to have....... 

    Not quite sure what they believe but the things I did know about were weird.

    Their magazines are full of wishful thinking and fantasy pictures.  Made my skin creep reading the stuff. 

    They seemed to be very strict on lifestyle choices

    Old fashioned clothes 

    They must be brainwashed as they didn't seem to have freedom to choose what to believe, they are like clones of each other. 

    They are wasting their time  door knocking, would be so much better to donate all that energy to charity work 

    Why do they continually come back when I've said "not interested"! 

    They don't look very happy

    Feel sorry for the children who miss out on Christmas and Birthdays which are occasions when other children are made to feel special.

    Really hate seeing little children dragged round the houses, it seems like emotional blackmail to make householders pause before saying no thanks. 

     It must be damaging for a child's emotional development to be brought up in a strict religious home.

    I can't see anything immoral about blood transfusions ~ why would their god approve of allowing someone to die for lack of blood when it is available.... it makes no sense.   

    They seem to be intelligent people, it's beyond me how in this day and age they can believe an ancient book has the truth about life and death when there is clear evidence from history, science and many other disciplines that the bible is wrong in many ways.

    I have learnt a lot more about the cult over the last few years and looking back, I was not aware beforehand how dangerous it was or how many people have suffered as a result of it.  I just thought of it as rather irrelevant old fashioned sect ~ a few odd bods who were harmless and probably well meaning but deluded. 

    Now I know differently.  






  • sowhatnow

    when my son stopped going to meetings, a few years later he was approached by two jws handing out memorial tracts in a parking lot, he said it was 'uncomfortable and weird'

    and now he knows how everyone else feels about that!  he was mad that he ever had to do that to make people feel so odd.

  • nonjwspouse

    I have learnt a lot more about the cult over the last few years and looking back, I was not aware beforehand how dangerous it was or how many people have suffered as a result of it.  I just thought of it as rather irrelevant old fashioned sect ~ a few odd bods who were harmless and probably well meaning but deluded. 

    Now I know differently. 

    Exactly, HB. same here.

    Informing the unsuspecting public the dangers of this high control, mind control, cult is critical to protecting the vulnerable.

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  • Vidiot
    Even without Tony's face photoshopped in, that's some seriously freaky-ass street performance art.
  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    At least T-Mo3 isn't wearing tight pants. That would be weird.


    However, he's still obviously still on his burnt wiener kick. Ouch.

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    That ain't Tony. That's Lett. Watchtower-Free, that has got to be the funniest JW meme I've ever seen! ROFLOL :laughing:
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  • Vidiot

    Ah, I see it now.

    Maybe someone could photoshop Tony's face (and a pair of tight pants) onto the guy getting his balls roasted.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    What Jehovah's Witnesses look like to cult members:



    What Jehovah's Witnesses look like to non-cult members:

     so ugly you'll cry

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  • ToesUp
    Watchtower-Free. That is hilarious!!!
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