JW Doctors can give Blood Transfusions.

by Pureheart 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • collegegirl

    Ok - I think this is an EXTREMELY interesting topic, one that I have thought of many times. I want to be a vet. I often hesitate to tell anyone from the congregation this. First reason for that would be simply because of all the schooling involved. Second reason is that animals, like humans, receive blood transfusions, and I, as the vet, would be responsible. Blood transfusions on animals can be quite complicated. They do not have the same typing as we do (A,B,AB,O) but instead can have a certain type, but then something in the configuration changes... I don't want to go into detail and bore you all. All I know is that I would have to give blood and that many in my family have asked me how i would deal with it.... Thank you Pureheart for digging up that article, as I now have something to show to people when I start to get grief about it.

  • crownboy

    collegegirl said:

    All I know is that I would have to give blood(to animals) and that many in my family have asked me how i would deal with it....

    You'd be giving blood transfusions to animals. Last time I checked, the bible didn't make any rules banning blood transfusions for animals (or humans for that matter), so the whole point is moot. What would happen to a dog if it got a transfusion, draw the wrath of God? Would a dog in a Witness family get dissfellowshiped ? Just tell your family that the bible was written for people, not animals, so there's nothing wrong with it (if you're really brave, maybe you'll bring up the blood issue for Witnesses. Of course, that depends on how "theocratic" your family is. )

    I always found this quite strange Pureheart. You could have gone to jail for doing non- military service prior to the late 90's, but doing transfusions are just fine. How consistent.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • anglise

    Hi crownboy

    you can't df an unbaptized dog!!!

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