Elders sued in Oz

by ozziepost 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I don't really think I'm mild mannered. Peaceful to the meek but not so mild to the Big Hypocrites. No need to be.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Black Man
    Black Man


  • blondie

    It only proves what my husband said recently, that the WTS is going to let the elders swing in the wind.


  • bluesapphire


  • Farkel


    : Whispered on the grapevine in Oz is that a former elder has sued a body of elders for wrongful DF and won!

    The significant point is that this lawsuit prevailed. It's not about the money, anyway. That's a side issue, and we both know it.

    The significant point (and I will reiterate) is that the WTS LOST because of their very own arrogance! May this happen in all the countries where they hurt and stifle people......

    May those very same people stand up to their infinite and shameful arrogance and face somone setting them straight. And may it hurt them in what ever way it needs to hurt them.

    In California, where I live, the same type of revolution is about to happen...The inmates who think they have taken over my State are in for a rude wake-up call.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Interesting... it will be fun to observe how the prospect of financial ruin influences the local elders' view of mercy, and how they react to being ``hung out to dry" by the gerontocrats they venerate and to whom they've deeded their local Kingdom Halls!

  • anglise

    Exciting news.Thankyou Ozzie for posting this. I hope when the case is concluded it really gets some BIG publicity.

    Maybe their oft quoted "do not put your trust in princes.....etc" is coming back to bite them with avengence.

    Whoever this ex elder is WELL DONE.


  • invictus

    what else can we expect from the organization that lies to its members, protects molesters, victimizes over and over again abused children and their families, but to show their true face - cowards.

    I hope there is going to be more "glad tidings" like this case.

    thank you posting this.


  • avengers

    hey Oz. Thanks for posting this info. There are a few things though.

    The plaintiff claimed harrassment and physical abuse by the elders.

    Harrassment I can understand, even though it would be nice to know what kind of harrassment that would be.

    What I don't get is the physical abuse. Would this be hitting or punching or something in that order, or is it something else?
    Please elaborate, if you can at this moment. It would be nice to have a few more details, so more of these cases can be won also.

    It sure opens up new perspectives.

    Andy of the get that grin off your face class.

  • AlanB

    Interesting, would like to see the details of this case when this is possible.

    I assume that Oz has the English system of law, in which case this could be used as a precident in other countries with a similar system such as, UK, US, Canada, South Africa and other countries where this system has been adopted.


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