Whether You "Hear"... or Refrain...

by AGuest 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    (Disclaimer: May you have peace! I am compelled to say that if you feel this post NOT addressing you, please, then, exercise a modicum of respect for those it IS addressed to... and reserve your sarcasm. That is, if you possibly can... for it would take a bit of love... and maturity... to do so. And again, please forgive my need to repeat myself, but I must 'go'... whether Israel 'hears'... or 'refrains'. So, again, I apologize Simon, Board and other dear ones, but... I must fulfill MY 'commission' to the Household of God, Israel. Again, I bid you peace!)

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all those that 'go with' them... may the underserved kindness and mercy of our God and Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, and the peace of our Lord, His Son and Christ, be upon you!

    Very soon now, a time of "offering" will be upon you. Many of you will attend an annual "ceremony" where the blood and flesh of Christ will be offered to you. By the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, granted to me by my His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, I ask you...

    Will you yet again REJECT the very means by which you are to gain salvation?

    Will you yet again let PASS BY you the "true food" and "true drink", given on behalf of ALL mankind who is 'wishing, thirting, and hearing'?

    Before you answer, let me share with you what was recorded to have been said by my Lord, as well as by the Apostle Paul. Paul first.

    With regard to ALL those that left Egypt, Israelite AND THE VAST MIXED COMPANY, he recorded at 1 Corinthians 10:1-4:

    "Now, I do not want you to be ignorant, BROTHERS,
    that our forefathers..."

    (Note: Paul was an apostle TO THE NATIONS and thus, in talking to the Corinthians, he was talking... TO THE NATIONS as WELL as to the Jews...)

    1 Corinthians 1:2

    "... were ALL under the cloud...
    and ALL passed through the Red Sea...
    and ALL got baptized into Moses by
    means of the cloud and of the sea;
    and ALL ate the [same] spiritual food...
    and ALL drank the [same] spiritual drink...

    WHAT?! The 'vast mixed company' ate the manna and drank from the rock-mass, too?! You betcha!!

    Numbers 11:4-6

    "For THEY...

    (ALL of them, Israelite, Midianite and Egyptian alike...)

    "... USED to drink from the SPIRITUAL rock-mass...
    THAT FOLLOWED THEM... and that rock-mass...
    WAS... the Christ!"

    Okay, so they all ate and drank back then. But how do we know that we ALL are supposed to eat and drink NOW? I mean, doesn't the WTBTS say that ONLY THE 144,000 are supposed to eat and drink? May I recant to you, then, the words of my Lord, as recorded at John 6:48-56:

    "I... am the bread of LIFE.
    Your forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness...
    and yet... DIED.
    THIS is the bread that comes down from heaven...

    "I am the LIVING BREAD...
    If ANYONE eats of THIS BREAD...
    HE WILL LIVE FOREVER; and, for a fact,
    the bread that I shall give...
    IS MY FLESH... in behalf of the life...

    Of course, the Jews in opposition, those Israelites ("contenders with God") began to question what he had said. Why? Because... THEY WANTED TO SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS... just as the WTBTS itself has done. How? BY NOT OPENING THE "WAY"... my Lord (John 14:6)... by means of his blood and flesh... TO THE WORLD!

    My Lord is recorded to have gone on and said:

    "Most truly... I... say to YOU...
    AND DRINK HIS BLOOD... [u]you have NO LIFE...

    Now, that just about tears to shreds the WTBTS false propaganda that those who do NOT eat and drink, those they label as 'the great crowd', have 'life in themselves'. My Lord is recorded to have said... they do NOT. He went on:

    "He that feeds on MY flesh and drinks MY
    blood... HAS EVERLASTING LIFE..."

    Does this mean such one will not die... in the flesh? No, for my Lord went on to state:

    "... and I shall RESURRECT HIM...
    at the last day. For MY flesh is TRUE food
    and MY blood is TRUE drink. He that feeds
    on MY flesh and drinks MY blood...

    Every year that I was in "the organization", dear ones, I felt ashamed and deceitful when I let that plate and glass pass me by. Why? Because I KNEW I was supposed to eat and drink of it. Just as YOU all know it, too. The ONLY reason you don't... is FEAR OF MAN! As our Adversary the Devil stated, "skin in behalf of skin and ALL that a man has, he will give in behalf of his soul (his fleshly life)." What did he mean? We would TURN AWAY FROM GOD IN ORDER TO KEEP LIVING... IN THE FLESH... TO PLEASE OUR FLESH... which flesh wants to be found "great"... in the eyes of MAN.

    But I tell you, truly:

    "He that has greater affection for father or
    mother than for [my Lord] is not WORTHY of
    [my Lord}; and he that has greater affection
    for son or daughter and for [my Lord] is not
    WORTHY of [my Lord]. And whoever does not
    accept his TORTURE STAKE... and follow...
    AFTER [HIM]... is not worthy of [him]. He
    that finds his soul... WILL lose it. And he
    that LOSES HIS SOUL... for my Lord's sake...
    will FIND it."

    Matthew 10:36-39

    Indeed, what have you to lose, dear ones? Your life? How so, when my Lord has PROMISED you life by means of his flesh and blood? Because by eating and drinking and not being 'of the 144,000' you are doing so "unworthily"? I ask you: who among those on the night Paul spoke were NOT among those called? Did he not address "the holy ones, TOGETHER WITH ALL WHO EVERYWHERE ARE CALLING UPON THE NAME OF OUR LORD, JAHESHUA (Joshua; JAH SAVES) MISCHAJAH (Messiah; Chosen of JAH)... THEIR LORD... AND OURS?!

    1 Corinthians 1:2
    1 Corinthians 11:23-26

    Who then could "eat the loaf and drink the cup 'unworthily'"? Dear ones, it had absolutely NOTHING to do with whether one had received holy spirit or not, or whether one was a Jew or of the Nations, or one was of Israel or the "great crowd". It had to do with ONE'S HEART!

    Always, before eating and drinking one MUST 'scrutinize' oneself... to ensure that one has removed ALL hatred and hypocrisy. Why? Because, when one eats and drinks, one is ratifying a COVENANT... between oneself and GOD... by means of the the Mediator, Christ... a NEW Covenant, which is a Law... of LOVE. And if one is judging and condemning another in one's heart when one "partakes", one is "eating and drinking judgement"... against oneself. How so? Because when one comes into the New Covenant, one agrees to be bound by the LAW of that Covenant, the Law of Love... which says:


    For with the same judgment that YOU are judging... you will BE judged.

    So, I ask you, dear ones, with all sincerity of heart:

    Will you yet again let the provision for life pass you by? Will you yet again go against what you KNOW to be true, that YOU, TOO, are a SON OF GOD... "called and chosen"... and once again REJECT the STONE that the "builders" rejected?

    I exhort you, I admonish you, I BEG YOU...


    And put away your fear of earthling man. For, truly, what can earthling DO to you?

    By the spirit of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, as given to my from His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, by means of holy spirit, I, myself, SJ, have spoken to you and say to you now:

    "Come! All you who are thirsting!
    Come! All you who are toiling and loaded down!
    Come! All you who are wishing and hearing!
    Come! DRINK FROM THE ROCK-MASS that you will thirst NO MORE!
    Come! Take LIFE'S WATER... free!"

    Revelation 22:17

    Again, I bid you nothing but love... and peace!

    A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and to ALL those that go with them, and a TRUE slave of Christ, by means of an anointing with holy spirit,


  • rekless

    "If it wasn't for religion, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in."

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • Francois

    You know, AGuest, if you didn't lard your comments with so much self-serving groveling, you'd be a lot easier to take.

    For the first time, you've posted something that makes perfect sense. But you make getting to it very difficult. Reading your stuff is like reading "Lady Chatterley's Lover" looking for tips on gamekeeping. You know it's in there somewhere, but you have to wade through so much extraneous crap to find it.

    Frankly, all that language you include in your messages about "your" lord, and all those naming conventions you throw in, titles, honorifics, etc., etc. ad nauseam just detract from your message on the one hand, and on the other give the impression you're congratulating yourself on your exalted position. Jesus didn't do that. No one else on this board does that. I get the feeling that very few, if any on this board, appreciate it very much. And it's DAMNED annoying, and it greatly intefers with getting your message across.

    You can take it from me (and I wish you would), a journalist and speechwriter with over 25 years experience: your method of delivery is the equivalent of shooting yourself through the foot. It's clownlike. Why don't you just say what you've got to say and leave off the verbal embroidery?!!!

    This would be especially helpful when you stumble across a message that is particularly good. Like the present one.

    Why don't you rewrite and resubmit the present message absent all the messages about how tight you are with the Lord, and how mighty he is, and all that crap. We KNOW ALL THAT. Tell us something we don't know.



    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • belbab

    Dear A Guest,

    The information in this post is amongst the best you have ever written.

    You have exposed from the Scriptures the falsity of the the Jehovah's Witnesses position on two classes of Christians, one limited in numbers class that get all the glory and the other that gets all the hard work and are concidered as good for nothing slaves.

    I also regrettfully have to tell you, that I totally, i00% agree with Francois' post above. At the mouth of two or three witnesses.......


  • You Know
    You Know

    Standard doctrine of the sect of Ray Franz. / You Know

  • IslandWoman


    Thank you for the information and encouragement to partake. I no longer believe in Jesus as my savior. God is my Father and he is my Savior. In him I have put my trust and in him only.


  • dungbeetle

    YOUdon'tKNOWjack as usual...

    MEMORIAL 2004 ATTENDANCE: 15,000,000
    MEMORIAL 2004 PARTAKING: 6,000,000

    YES YES YES!!!! Go Shelby!!!

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • TR
    Standard doctrine of the sect of Ray Franz. / You Know

    Truly a brain-dead statement if I ever heard one.

    TR- UADNA(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    Francois, peace to you, dear one, and may I say that my Lord was correct when he gave the lesson of the children in the marketplace:

    "We played the flute, but you didn't dance; we sang a dirge, but you didn't mourn."

    Truly, in THIS case, does the manner matter as much as the content?
    I remember a lesson I learned some time ago that has helped me tremendously: focus not so much on the speaker, as on the message. Since you agree that the message is of some value, I ask you then, to pardon my 'style', and not 'hurry' yourself to be offended.

    My dear brother, Belbab... the greatest of love and peace to you... and please know that I 'hear' where both you and Francois are 'coming' from... and beg your continued patience with me. I can only write... how I write... as I have been taught to write by my Lord. Since it is not without love, you should 'hear' no 'clashing cymbal', yes? Then I beg YOU... bear with ME. Please.

    You Know... you are in error: I do not know Ray Franz, or follow him, in ANY sense of the word. In truth, while I am sure he is QUITE knowledgeable on the inner workings of the WTBTS, and should be commended for his much needed exposure of their hypocrisy, it is there that our 'agreement' ends, for he does not believe in the fulfillment of Joel 2:8, 9.

    Dear Island Woman... peace to you and you are entitled to your belief. I might only add that while you are correct that God is your/our/savior, it IS 'by means of Christ' that He GRANTS such 'salvation'. But then, I am only a slave, so what do I know?

    My dear sister, Dung, as always, the greatest of love and peace to you!

    And dear TR... thank you... and peace to you! He DIDN'T make much sense, did he?! Especially since I quoted NOT Ray Franz, but what the Master himself (whom YK CLAIMS to 'belong' to by means of an anointing), was recorded to have said. Earthling man... go figure!

    Again, my peace and that of my Lord to all of you who receive it!

    (Oh, and BTW, Francois, he is not ONLY my Lord, in the same way that my mother was not ONLY my mother, nor my children ONLY my children: I had a sister and brother, and my children have a father. Yet, when speaking of my mother or my children them to OTHERS, I called her "MY mom" and I call them "MY kids". Peace.)

    A slave of Christ,


  • Francois

    I give up.


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

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