My Story - Trying to Enjoy Life.......

by Rip76 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Rip76

    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Mike. I am from Houston Texas, and I am 29 years of age. I've been reading these message boards for about a year now and I figured it was time to post my story..

    Me: I was raised in the JW religion, and attended meetings until about age 12. I stopped attending after my grandmother passed away from cancer. She never missed a meeting, even pioneering while she had cancer. (Not that they would, money, money.) Anyway, I was never baptised, so I guess I'm not an "Apostate?" I haven't been back since, but I'm still being affected by this organization.. By the way I've been playing guitar since I was 12, I get to get away from it all...

    My Mom and Dad: My mom started studying in 1968, and she brought my dad and grandmother into this Religion.. My mother who was a Methodist Sunday school teacher started disproving what the Methodist's were teaching, and she wanted "The Truth," so guess who showed up a the door.. She was also very depressed at the time.. So is it Satan or God sending them to your door when you are most vulnerable? That is one big question I have always pondered...
    Anyway, She gets my dad to study and the rest is history.. Other than the fact that he was a drinker and a smoker, who believed but really never attended in full..

    My sister: She is 45 now, and she was practicing until she was about 30ish.. She couldn't do any of the things that she wanted: play sports, go to college, listen to the music she wanted to (Although she did, Sabbath, Fleetwood Mac, Chicago....etc) Got married at 18, in 1975 because "the end" was coming... No need to finish high school, and go to college.. Well she's paying for it now..

    My brother: He is 40 now, and practiced until he was about 15, is also still having issues with this.. He like my sister didn't go to college, because there was no need to right.. Well he is paying for that also.. He and my sister have good jobs, but it took them a long time to get where they are at.. As far as music, he turned me on to: Rush, Triumph, Queen... I think we all used music to escape..

    Well when I was 12, my grandmother passed, we went to the funeral.. My mother was disfellowshipped at the time for smoking. Not one of the JW's would talk to her, NOT ONE!!! I don't think God planned it like that. So since that time I think we all kind of dropped out. But I still don't know what to believe. Is there a church of some kind out there that I can just learn from the bible, and not have to wear a cross around my neck? If you know of one please let me know.

    In closing: I would like to say that I am proud of my family. My mother is struggling with this. I mean 38 years of being fooled, she feels betrayed. She read up on the UN thing at invited some brother's over to ask them about this.. They turned around and walked out the door. Go figure!! My sister and brother are doing fine with good lives. (Although my sister would like all of her albums back that she through away. It's hard to find those old gatefolds..HAHA)
    I myself, am about to be married in October, to a wonderful girl. I'm sure we will have children, which is another worry of mine.. What will I teach them? I'm so glad that my brother and sister taughtme about good music. I might have never found a way to deal with things.
    I know in the bible that it say not to do anything to an excess, so are Jehovah's Witnesses, practicing their religion to excess? I think God gave us the bible and the 10 comandments to follow. Follow the 10 comandments, I think you will be OK.. I always wonder if God is saying to himself "Man you people are taking this way to serious." It's all in the Ten Comandments.
    One last question. I was having a real bad time last year. My best friend passed away, and I was depressed. I prayed to God (like I do every night.. God and I are tight).. And the next day two Jehovah's Witnesses show up at my work?? Please tell me is that just coincidence?
    Thank You all for listening.. If you have any questions, feel free to ask..


  • TR

    Welcome, Mike!

    Thanks for you experiences. 'hovahs are always showing up at the door, so anytime they do show up, its a coincidense.

    TR- UADNA(Unseen Apostates Directorate of Noth America)

    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Rip76

    Well, I've been working here for 3 years, and never once did they show up... Only after that night of praying. But I do know what you mean. Maybe they have bugged my house.

  • NameWithheld

    Or maybe Satan's trying to 'get you' while you're weak?

  • Adonai438

    Hi Rip76 & Welcome to the Board!
    Briefly, God is good and JWs don't get it
    I was Jw for a year in HS and left because I studied the Bible for myself and found out the truth. I am a christian now and happier than ever with a great hubby and baby boy. When I was researching/studying my Bible back in HS I prayed to for real for the very first time and God did answer me-- He showed me the truth in his word. Ever since prayer has been totally great and different than when I was a JW. HE IS there .
    Well, my humble opinion is that Satan sent the JWs to your door to interupt anything the true God was doing in your life. I say this because if the JWs were sent by the true God then their teachings and attitudes would have been godly and scriptural and I know that they are not. Keep praying- God's still listening and Loves ya!
    If ya ever want to chat or talk just drop me an e-mail.
    Stay strong, think for yourself and study God's word, it's quite an amazing journey
    <>< Angie

  • Angharad

    Hi Rip, welcome

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Hi Rip
    2 Cor 11:13-15

    For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, "whose end will be according to their deeds."

    (vulnerability leads to all kinds of problems - addiction, depression, cult recruitment)

    Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that JESUS CHRIST IS IN YOU - UNLESS INDEED YOU FAIL THE TEST?"

    JWs fail this test. Deny Christ. Annointed will say they have holy spirit but not Jesus Christ. NWT probably renders this scripture as "in union with" or "in the midst of"
    They say "Look, there is the Christ"

    The Watch Tower will only teach you how to live in FEAR, (fear of the Org.)
    that is not the way to LIVE life or raise a family.

  • Rip76

    Basically, I think God wants you to enjoy life within the boundaries he has set up for you. It isn't that difficult, quit trying to make it so hard. If you want to celebrate a birthday, drink a beer, or have people over for thanksgiving.. DO IT!! Who are you hurting? You're not doing it because it is Pagan. Who even thinks about that. You're doing these things because you love your family and friends, and you want them around. God wouldn't have given you the opportunity to have (and create) family, and make friends, if he didn't want you to. And to shun them???? If you are living right, you will surround yourself with the right people anyway.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Exactly right..."You're not doing it because it is Pagan. Who even thinks about that. "

    I don't think JWs would want to get rid of their cats & wedding rings!!
    They are more than happy with their double standard.

    Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope the worst is behind you. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

  • Rip76

    Thanks Will,
    Yes my friend was a great guy. He died one year ago yesterday. He was more of a father than my father. He was only 39, 39???? Can you imagine being middle aged at 19.5.. Man he taught me a lot.. How to work on a home, plumbing, carpentry. Good music, Jack Daniels..haha. But he enjoyed his whole life. Man what a cool guy.
    P.S. It is also ok to say "Bless you," if someone sneezes.. It's called being nice. No matter what the words are.

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