I have been lurking on this & other boards for a couple of years. I am an elder in the U.S. We had an elder's meeting last week where we read a 7 page BOE letter. I have a copy in pdf format and would like to post it here. I appreciate all the work everyone has done in the past, and now I am doinmypart. I am nervous & excited. I e-mailed a copy of the letter to Simon (' [email protected]') and Kent. If I need to do something else to get the letter posted let me know.
Intro & Urgent Request
by doinmypart 42 Replies latest jw friends
Mister Biggs
Welcome to the Board, doinmypart!
Welcome doinmypart,
I am sure that both Simon and Kent appreciate your contribution. As you know, Kent has a large collection of official Watchtower docuements, and I am sure that he will add your contribution to his collection. As you probably know, Kent has faced much opposition from the Society and stood up to it. He is to be congratulated for his bravery, tenacity and hard work. You, as well, are to be congratulated.
Welcome to our community. I hope we can be of help to you. I wish you the best on your new and nerve racking journey.
Simon put it up! <cue Adam Sandler voice> *YOU CON DO IT!*
Welcome to the board, doinmypart. Care to tell us a little bit more about your current standing in the 'Organization'? We're always interested in hearing new stories...especially from Secret Elder Body Infiltrators!
"The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
[SYN], Unseen Apostate Directorate of *SOMEWHERE*. -
Thanks Biggs & Larc on the welcome. I should have given more information on the letter. It summarizes the KM School meetings we had last year, as well as a few updates. I apologize for not stating this earlier, as I said I'm a bit nervous. It's strange to see my words appearing here. Hopefully the letter will be available soon.
Doinmypart, welcome to the board. We appreciate your time and effort, and look forward to your future contributions and the experiences you may share.
I am just an elder in the local cong. I'm the Congregation Secretary and WT Conductor. I'm a second gen JW; wife, kids, and other family are JW's. I'll continue to serve as long as I can be helpful to the "Dark Side" :) I have plenty of BOE letters, I'll release what I can on occasion. I just want to be careful in what I tell about myself.
Hello Doinmypart,
Welcome to the board. It's always a pleasure to meet new posters. I look forward to your future contributions.
May I ask what is it in particular that prompted you to post the BOE letter?
Welcome Doinmypart,
No need to be nervous. Soon you'll be addicted....
"I wish I knew what I know now, when I was younger,,,"
Hi doinmypart:
Were you still awake after the letter was read?