just wondering??
Has anyone here threatened or heard of someone threatening suicide at a judicial hearing and didn't get df'd?
by hoser 15 Replies latest jw friends
Good question, never heard of it happening. I guess they would just call it repentence rather than stating they were moved by compassion to be lenient.
Given that probably hundreds of thousands of judicial committees have been formed over the years I daresay it has probably happened at one time or another. But there is no allowance for that sort of thing in the elders' handbook so I doubt elders are often moved by compassion to reach an independent solution going ' beyond what is written' - written in their Watchtower guidelines that is.
I thought that there was allowance for that. Doesn't the flock book say that if someone threatens suicide they suspend the hearing and reconvene later.
Does it I didn't know that. I doubt it says let them off though.
I have been on committees, one in particular, that involved very distraught people. It is one my deepest regrets that we didn't havethe brains and leeway to recommend counciling from a professional.
i am sure it happens more than we know.
Shepherd the Flock of God, page 86
If the Accused Threatens Suicide
16. “In judicial cases where the accused threatens suicide, it may be best for the committee to suspend the hearing to focus o helping him regain his balance. (see 7:12) They should assure him of the committee’s desire to help him, then broach the subject of depression and suicide, using the scriptures and bible-based publications. (prov. 3:11, 12; 4:13; Heb 12:5, 6, 11-13) Depending on his emotional state, it may be best to do this a day or two later. The elders can prepare by reviewing articles that will help them deal sensitively with the depressed individual.(w00 9/15 pp 3-7; w88 10/15 pp. 25-29; 11/15 pp 21-24; w82 6/1 pp 9-14) The judicial committee should avoid prolonging the case unnecessarily, as this can cause stress for the accused. They should take notes for the confidential file, outlining the dates of their conversations and the scriptures and articles that were considered. They should sign it and place it in the file for the case. The judicial committee should communicate with the branch office if there are questions about a certain case.”
How may of you see 9 kinds of wrong here?
Depending on his emotional state, it may be best to do this a day or two later
this is one wrong they are willing to send home a potentially suicidal person. is this even legal?
Letter from the Branch
April 9, 2012
Re: Procedures when legal issues are involvedSUICIDES AND ATTEMPTED OR THREATENED SUICIDES
20. At times, judicial committees may deal with someone who is so distraught that he attempts
or threatens to commit suicide. In such cases it may be best for the committee to suspend the
hearing and focus on helping the person to regain his balance. In any event, the elders should treat
the person with extreme thoughtfulness and kindness.-ks10 chap. 5 par. 4; chap. 6 par. 16.21. In addition, elders should immediately call the Legal Department for legal direction
whenever they learn of an actual suicide, a threatened suicide, or an attempted suicide, since legally
this is also defined as self-murder or felo-de-se. Whether a family member or close friend with
knowledge of the suicide threat or suicide attempt reports it to authorities is a personal decision for
him to make. (Gal. 6:5) Elders should not discourage anyone from reporting the matter. Family
members who are aware of the suicide threat or attempt should be encouraged to take positive steps
to prevent the person from harming himself. -
They don't even recommend that you get the suicidal person HELP??? OMFSM! They tell them to read scriptures and DON'T tell them to call 911? Un freaking believable.