From the Shepherd the Flock book:
Brazen conduct, loose conduct: (Gal. 5:19)
The Greek word translated “brazen conduct,” or
“loose conduct,” is a-sel’gei-a. Strong’s Greek Dictio-
nary uses very forceful terms to define it: “Licentious-
ess; filth(iness), lasciviousness, wantonness.” The
New Thayer’s Gree English Lexicon adds to the list
“unbridled lust, . . . outrageousness, shamelessness,
insolence.” Another lexicon defines a-sel’gei-a as con-
duct that “violtes all bounds of what is socially ac-
ceptable” Rather than relating to bad conduct of a
somewhat petty or minor nature, “brazen conduct”
describes acts that reflect an attitude that betrays dis-
respct, disregard, or even contempt for divine stan-
dards, law, and authority. Therefore, two elements
are involved in brazen conduct: (1) The conduct itself is
a serious violation of Jehovah’s laws, and (2) the at-
tude os the wrongdoer toward God’s laws is disre-
spectful, insolent. – w06 7/15 p. 30; w83 3/15 p. 31;
w73 pp. 574-576
10. Though this is not an exhaustive list, brazen
Conduct may be involved in the following if the
wrongdoer has an insolent, contemptuous atti-
tude made evident by a practice of these things:
• Willful, continued, unnecessary association
with disfellowshipped norelatives despite
repeated counsel. – Matt. 18:17b; 1 Cor. 5:11,13;
2 John 10,11; w81 9/15 pp. 25-26
· Child sexual abuse: This would include fon-
dling breasts, an explicitly immoral proposal,
showing pornography to a shild, voyeurism, in-
decent exposure, and so forth.
· Continuing to date or pursue a romantic
relationship with a person though not le-
gally or Scripturally free to marry, despite re-
peated counsel and generally after a warning
talk to the congregation. – Gal. 5:19; 2 Thess. 3:6,
Yep, it's a "catch all".