Some of My Thoughts on Jung, Individuation,Wholeness, The Unconscious and Enlightenment

by frankiespeakin 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    As some already know or perhaps guessed I'm interested in Jung's ideas on the psyche, have been since a teenager and then the JWs got me at and closed my mind. After leaving mental "The Truth" in my forties, my intrest renewed very quickly, a post Leolia made to me on some subject unknowingly gave me my first prod, thanks Leo.

    Well I was exploring my mind soon as I left the JW with some lengthy excursions into being a semi hermit in order to give myself over to much inner time, it even feels a bit selfish to do now so I gave it up,, for how long? Still probing but at a reduced rate.

    Jung studied all the religions, and all the ancient text he could get his hands on, and his knowedge of Mythology was extensive.So he also is very understanding of what is enlightenment, as he said the experiences he had with the unconscious nearly tore him apart but he manged to survive it without loosing his sanity, Jung also said that he was surprised at how much of the unconscious the Buddha had made conscious without going insane. So to me these are two enlightened being The Buddha used the Yoga practises common of his time and location, and Jung used the practice of Active Imagination.

    To me it seems reasonable that Jung could see a pattern in the Psyche which he called "Archetypes" that are autonomous from the ego consciousness, and it sounds like something that could also explain "Possesion" forces that push us to do things against our will kinda like the Flip Wilson line: "The Devil made me do it".

    Blind spots in our conscious awarenes abound, we often hum along quite nicely chewing gum, walking, singing, or punching the key board with so much of it being done unconsciously with some sporatic consciousness mixed in, and we feel like the ego consciousness is the big player but it is not it is just another achetype, ruling and being over ruled by something much bigger the "Self" it is the central organizing archetype.

    Wholeness is there in the psyche originally when we are born or perhaps somewhere before that but as we interact with our new world the ego starts to form as do thought and interpetation paterns. Birth trama, unsettled/unsettling psychic issue between our parents,Society, religion, Governments, external enviroment all have effect on our psyche developement and formation of relationships between our other archetypes with all kinds of projections mostly unknown to the ego. Durring this process the ego becomes more and more differentiated and different achetype work against one other and in the latter part of life a natural process of Jung coined "Individuation" starts happening some more other less it all depends.

    More latter I got to go.

  • frankiespeakin

    So it is a natural psychic process towards wholeness that occures latter in life, some don't go very far in it due to some programing that got mixed up with in the process. So I don't think the Governing Body in its collective dellusional state of Representives the most high god creator of the universe/universes and are fighting against the demons and the devil in thier outer world would get very far They are afraid for the kiddies in their religion will get cuties from toys like Sparlock, indicates they are still caught in some kind of childish fantacy no where near what we would call or attempt to call normal.

    In older age we are more faced with neurosis as a consiquence of some effort from the unconscious to correct something, they are good if they do so, they help to make attitude adjustments in one that lead us towards a more unified whole. Maybe a member of the Governing Body may develope some neurotic sypthoms, and if faced properly produce big changes in his psyche, you know it could happen, I would never under estimate the "Self" to pull it off. Boy would the GB have a time on thier hands then.

    I heard this so called Zen master say "sometimes a person gets fully enlightened instantly". Maybe that is why they some times sneak up on a disciple and hit him because it could serve in some way to reset the psyche? I don't know.

    More later.

  • frankiespeakin

    When I think of myself or the consciousness that resides or apears to reside in my material body in these 4 dimentions of space time I recognize some of the programing that reinforces the feeling of a me/I,, as sensory imput but not ultimate reality. So where does the consciousness reside, that appears to reside in this body? The whole philosophical quandry of consciousness being a epiphemonia of matter or does consciousness create the matter.

    But where is this thing call consciousness located? Is it inside space and time or is it watching from some other realm. We are for all intents and purposes ghosts in the machine I'm a ghost and your a ghost in the machine or perhaps a ghost in another realm looking through the eyes and interpeting through the 5 senses of your own it's all programing anyway you look at it.

    So I have this tendancy to think that consciousness and our unconsciousness exist in some other realm or perhaps all the realms both inside and outside space time,,and that can account for syncronicity, and premonitions and the like. Past lives, being in another state when not alive in this continuim, and going back and forth for so long until you decide to just stay in the pure awareness/nirvana/diamond light or what ever. Could like a virus in computer program swinging in and out of different dimension through conections unseen to us.

  • frankiespeakin

    Then we have the quantum measurement problem, along with probability waves, being in a superposition but colapsing when a measurement is made,, added to the fact that our universe was at one point back in the begining of space time continuim a singularity. It was all one, with no time and no space.

    Enlightenment to me based on what I've read is at different levels of awareness, and how far we are able to go in being able to untangle the tangled hierarchy of known/knower and make a conscious deeper connection with Quantum Self(Atman).

  • frankiespeakin

    Jung concidered the blending of all opposites in a perfect tension happen at death similar to ideas expressed in the Tibetian Book of the Dead where one's soul(process/quantum program/spirit) is abiding in complete awareness and is encouraged not to jump back in the game or wheel of rebirths

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Jung is certainly interesting reading. The emphasis on archetypes and mythological symbols is fascinating. I don't think in Jungian terms, tho, unless I am reading Jung. Friends of mine have done Jungian therapy and contributed to the Jung Society. I just can't figure out how it works in practical terms.

    Also, when I read Jung, I feel things are a bit spooky but that could be the Witness training in me.

  • frankiespeakin

    That's understandable that's what caused him his split with Feud. When touching on things found in our own unconscious it carries the feeling of numinous, because it's what we are deep inside and a war can be raging in there thats where evil/good reside and all we might feel are symptoms and it can be made conscious to a certain extent. As Jung said making the unconscious conscious is like this:

    You're in this boat we'll call consciousness and it is floating on the sea of unconsciousness in which you are fishing, if you pull up too many fish the boat will sink into the unconscious, or another words over power the ego through by inflation.

  • frankiespeakin

    In my view we are all ghost in the machine we call our body it is all points of veiw after all:

    The Science of Ghosts, Jaquess Derrida:

    Jung, Lacan, Derrida, and Lynch:

  • frankiespeakin
  • John_Mann

    This is a bunch of woo.

    If you are really interested in the human mind follow the Human Brain Project.

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