In some of my cursory readings about Mormons, they seem to be as cultish as JWs, but I don't know as much about them. What are some of the SIMILARITIES you see in them and JWs?
Detail SIMILARITIES between JWs and Mormons
by Black Man 13 Replies latest jw friends
Joe Grundy
Both new religions started in the impressionable US in the mid 19th c.
Christ Alone
1. They both preach door to door worldwide and think they are preaching the "true" gospel.
2. They both deny the existence of hell.
3. They both preach a different Jesus from historic Christianity, with the JWs teaching Jesus is Michael the Archangel or a little "a" god, and the Mormons teaching that he is the brother of Lucifer and just one of many gods.
4. They both deny the Trinity.
5. They both use extra biblical writings, the JWs following the Watchtower and the Mormons following the book of Mormon.
6. They both teach that their members need to be in their organization in order to be saved and that only their organization is teaching the "truth". -
Christ Alone
Borrowed symbols and terminology from the Freemasons, such as the all Seeing Eye and the pyramid.
After Joseph Smith died the church split over who should be the successor. The Watchtower Society split several times with there now being numerous religions that stem from Russell, such as Russellites, Bible Students and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Both believe or used to believe that God is on a planet (Russell and Rutherford both taught we would be resurrected to the Pleiades Constellation) and Mormons believed that God lives on a planet near the star Kolob
Salvation is the result of works as well as faith
The cross is not a valid Christian symbol claiming that it is a late invention of corrupt Christianity
They both SUCK!
-Mormon's Joseph Smith = Jehovah's Witnesses Charles Russell
-Encourage and influence their young to "choose" serving in a full-time proselytizing work.
-Self-identify as Christian, though beliefs differ from mainstream Christianity.
-During 1920's they broadcasted on national radio in part for public relations.
--Participate in respective organization programs and activities on weekdays.
-Oppose addictive behavior such as gambling.
-Family Worship night.
--Strict law requiring abstention from sexual relations outside of marriage and strict fidelity within marriage.
-All sexual activity outside of marriage is considered a serious sin.
-Same-sex marriages are not performed or supported.
-Counseled not to partake in any form of media that is obscene or pornographic in any way, including depictions or graphic representations of sex and violence.
-Have "off-shoot/splinter" groups from the main organization.
-Mormon's "Less active" members similar to Jehovah's Witnesses "Inactive" members.
Hahaha! I remember one time in service, the JW group I was with had kind of like a old school western showdown with some Mormons.
I swear, two brothers and two mormons approached a pathway to a door at the same time. It was like they had standoff right there.
LOL!! I swear it was so funny to watch. The sisters across the street all gasped and watched in horror as if someone was going to get hurt.
My partner and I started were so silly. We started sining the old school Mexican Standoff song from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
Hahahahaha! I still get a belly laugh from that.
The Mormons walked away, and the sisters werer like, "Oh, it's victory for Jehovah." GAG!!
But later the Mormons rolled passed us in their Toyota and mean mugged us. It felt like everything was in slow motion! As if they were going to do a drive-by shooting with literature. It could have been a scene from a gangster movie. Everyone just frooze unitl they drove away. LOL!!
They both have the same ridicously use of suits and ties.
Both employ BITE.
Christ Alone
I had that situation happen with us and the Mormons in the same territory before. Actually they were friendly guys. One of them said, "I thought you were a mormon until I saw that you had a colored shirt on. We're only allowed to wear white shirts when going door to door." I thought that was interesting.