Help! with forum abbreviations please
by Mr Ben
10 Replies
Help! I need help understanding all these forum abbreviations! Things like:
Would you kindly reply with one or two abbreviations that you are familiar with and their meaning.
TIA (Thanks In Advance!)
Religion n. An organisation designed to promote atheism.
Mr. Ben,
These are secret ranks within the Unseen Apostate North American Directorate - UANAD
You will be discreetly approached when committe feels that the time is right.
ROFLOL = Rolling on thefloor laughing out loud,
ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my arse off.
FARKEL = Farts and rips Kleenex every lunchtime.
Hi, This is what they mean to me. I may be wrong though.
LMAO="Laughing my ass off" ,
ROLFMAO,= "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off"
ETC= etcetra.......
I used to think Lol ment lots of love but here it means "laughing out loud."
It took me forever to figure out what bttt meant
Back to the top.
LOL Laughing out loud
LMAO Laughing my ass off
I think you have spelt the last one wrong, or I don't know what it is.
ROFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.
Bttt Back to the top, with a post.
WTBTS Wrong Tired Binder and Tractor Sorority
JW Joe Who?
ExJW Divorced Joe Who.
What others do you not know?
Yes, yes, yes???? (Eagerly anticipating...)
Religion n. An organisation designed to promote atheism.
Ah, I have to run now, but please continue to add to my little glossary. Thanks all.
Religion n. An organisation designed to promote atheism.
hey mr ben, here's a few more:
btw, by the way otoh, on the other hand imo, in my opinion imho, in my humble opinion imnsho, in my not so humble opinion
some for chat: brb, be right back wb, welcome back bbl, be back later bbs, be back soon
DUB - Dynamic Ungulate Betty, (English: Easily excitable cow.)WTBTS - Wet Towel on Backside, The Sign!For Great Justice - See BTTT - Bring Tits To Thread, see LB about this, he is our in-house expert.WWJD - What Would Jehosophat Do?
Edited for formatting!
"...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.