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by cedars 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars


    Sure. Because I did not do things in the way the categories are set up. Since it is not an essay format, then it only applies to those who fit one of the categories. I went there and tried to participate.

    You still haven't explained how the categories do not address your predicament. I can't help you with future surveys if you don't explain why none of the categories apply to your current circumstances.

    I'm happy to help you, but you need to give me something to work with. Why are you procrastinating?


  • kurtbethel

    You still haven't explained how the categories do not address your predicament. I can't help you with future surveys if you don't explain why none of the categories apply to your current circumstances.

    I'm happy to help you, but you need to give me something to work with. Why are you procrastinating?

    I did explain it. My answer to all the categories is that they do not descibe my "predicament". If you had left out the "elders" category and none of the other categories matched them, they would be in a situation like mine. None of those fit me. I am not anointed, elder, DFed, etc. I am in that category you didn't ask about, but since I don't know what you want to find out, I have no way to know what that category is. Only you know what you are trying to find out.

    It's like if you were doing a survey about favorite ice cream and had Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Peach and Pineapple, and my favorite was Maple Walnut then I would be unable to participate. This dilemma is very common in fixed surveys. I have seen it often in professional polls. I always see it on the election ballot so I quit voting.

  • cedars


    I am not anointed, elder, DFed, etc. I am in that category you didn't ask about,

    You're still not telling me what this mysterious "missing category" is. This is getting needlessly frustrating.

    If you don't feel comfortable elaborating on your circumstances in public, and how they differ from the survey categories, then why don't you PM me and try to be specific?

    I don't understand why you're beating round the bush. Spit it out man! Or do you just enjoy the idea of being different?


  • Phizzy

    Dear Kurtbethel, could you spell out in terms that even an idiot like me can understand exactly what your category is ? I am intrigued.

    Are you perhaps a Satanist posing as a JW ? or is it more complicated tham that ?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Fantastic youtube clip, I found it quite moving and inspiring actually.

  • cedars


    Are you perhaps a Satanist posing as a JW ? or is it more complicated tham that ?

    Believe it or not, even a Satanist posing as a JW would have a category to fill in, because they would still be either DF'd / DA'd / still active / inactive (faded) or unbaptized. Even if there wasn't a "satanist" box to tick, they could still answer all the other questions and submit their vote.

    yadda yadda 2

    Thanks, I'm glad you found the video inspiring.


  • slimboyfat

    This video deserves more hits. I am actually not a big fan of the survey. Your talent is making good videos.

  • cedars

    Thanks slimboyfat - I appreciate the compliment. I do enjoy making these videos. They give me a nice outlet if I have a bit of time and I don't feel like writing.

    So far the video is doing its job. In two days we've had 56 new votes on the survey, taking the total from 936 to 992 - just 8 votes away from the big 1k! Hopefully more votes will come in as more people see the video and spread the word.


  • slimboyfat

    How did you learn to make such good videos? I would like to learn how to create web pages and make youtube videos.

    I am a bit skeptical about the survey because doesn't it simply tell the GB what they already know: that former Witness and some current Witnesses don't like them or their policies very much. That's if they notice it.

  • cedars


    I am a bit skeptical about the survey because doesn't it simply tell the GB what they already know: that former Witness and some current Witnesses don't like them or their policies very much. That's if they notice it.

    Well it's not just for the benefit of the Governing Body. I'm hoping that with time, as the survey slowly gathers momentum, more people might get involved and it might eventually come to the attention of the media. Also, it's nice for people to be able to share their opinions on things and immediately see what the consensus is. That's something that's hard to do on forums etc.

    Basically I see the very existence of the survey as an act of defiance against the Governing Body and a means for people to say what they really think. I'm particularly intrigued that our website is the only means by which the opinions of the professed anointed are being actively canvassed, even though these ones are ignored by the Governing Body. We've had some nice comments from people who appreciate the opportunity to take part, but I don't expect everyone to see its value.

    How did you learn to make such good videos? I would like to learn how to create web pages and make youtube videos.

    Well for the videos I use Windows Movie Maker, although I sometimes get frustrated by its limitations and glitches. Still, it's relatively straightforward to use.

    I just figured out how to do it all by trial and error. After a while you get the hang of it. Web pages are another kettle of fish entirely. If you're completely new to it I would get a book on the subject - although making web pages isn't as complicated as it once was. Wordpress has made it very easy to create your own websites online, and there are also fairly straightforward visual design software programs that are relatively inexpensive.


    [edit post - I seem to remember you mentioning you have an iPad. This should have some pretty nifty video-making software on it. You can have a play with it and see what you can create on there.]

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