Hi everyone
by mouthy 31 Replies latest forum suggestions
breakfast of champions
Check out RAYPUBLISHER's apostasy trial, Part 4. You get honorable mention!
Hi Mouthy, hope all is well with you!
troubled mind
Love you Mouthy you are such a sweet heart . Hope you have a lovely visit ,and that you feel well .
Good to see you!
Mouthy, my only complaint with you is that you are so sweet you give me a toothache.
life is to short
((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) Grace, I am so glad you are still here, do not know what we would do without you, you mean the world to me. I will never forget that you were the first one to reach out to me. I wil never forget your kindness to me, how just knowing someone cared meant the world to me. Thank you so much.
You remind me so much of my long since passed Grandmother . . . she had the courage to call it as she saw it, but had a heart big enough to sink the Titanic.
If you were the only flower in the world . . . it would still be a beautiful garden.
Black Sheep
It's good to see you Grace