Hello my name is Louis. I have seperated myself from the JWs and am looking for people to talk to. I dont have many people in my life who will even speak to me anymore or even acknowledge that I exist. Anyone out there who feels what Im sayin ????
hello I recently got away from the so called "truth" looking for people to talk to
by LuLu4YouYou 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hi! Welcome to JWN - this is a good place for that.
How did you manage to realize it was time to get out?
Welcome Loius, we are a mostly friendly bunch feel free to poke around and chime in. And share as much of your story as you are comfortable with, might find some friends.
Well.... I have been kinda in and out for the past 15yrs. There is alot of my story I am hesitant to share bcuz a family member has one of my children and if they knew that I am really totally done with all of it they would make it very hard for me to see my son. I guess I have known for a long time there was something wrong but I was raised as a JW and i am finally excepting that the roots of alot of my problems come from being involved with the JWs
Hi Louis welcome, congratulations on getting out.
There are loads of people here who can relate to your situation. The isolation will get better.
I finally went against everything I knew and started to really research on the Jehoavhs Witness and I am seeing that there is so much that is kept from us it is sickening. I cannot believe the things I have read and hearsd over the past several months
LU LU - Very nice to have you here ! You are among friends who share like experiences having been in the Witnesses. I too was born into the Witnesses from birth, got out at age 44 over 9 years ago . Freedom is sweet ! Lots of nice folks here so pull up a chair and we look forward to getting to know you better ! Take care of yourself, we 're here for you. Peace out,Mr. Flipper
Welcome Lu Lu.
Sit and stay awhile.
Good people here.
Welcomed you on the duplicate thread. Ditto here.
Many emotional issues experienced by JWs and former JWs can be linked to the fact that one has to constantly suppress
honest questions and facts that you uncover in order to continue the self delusion . Living in a state of delusion is not mentally
healthy. Living in fear is not healthy. This website is the place for researching the publishing cult of the watchtower corp. Everyone here
has experienced the pain you are feeling . Make sure to use the search function here to uncover facts you can find nowhere else.
This site has over 4.2 million posts a truly massive resource.