When Jesus supposedly came down to the earth in 1918 to accomplish his inspection of all religious denominations, he supposedly chose the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.
According to the August 15, 2012 Watchtower (page 6, paragraph 12), in 1914, there were only 1,200 congregations worldwide....
This means that Jesus was really looking for a needle in a hay stack... (probably had to use a pair of tweezers in the process...)
But notice this gem I found in the Watchtower CD Library:
In 1918 there were only 3,868 persons announcing the King and the Kingdom in all the world. - The Watchtower, January 1, 1950 page 11 paragraph 3
Now, assuming the number of congregations remained flat from 1914 to 1918 (because of the 1914 fallout, etc.), this means that there were only 3.22 publishers per congregation in 1918 !!! Now, let's assume the number of congregations dropped by 50% (from 1,200 to only 600) between 1914 and 1918... that's still only 6.45 publsihers per congregation!!!
I think the Watchtower should seriously consider opening a Bull Shit Monitoring Department... There's really no logical explanation for this!