Dear Cuebert, first of all Big Welcome ! its great to have you here, and all the newbies !!
My own "Mother dearest" did not do a Nazi bookburning on me, she confiscated a novel I was reading during the Service Meeting, it was inside my Bible, but I was too engrossed in reading the scriptures as I hoped it would seem, and she smelled a rat.
That incident didn't bother me, if I recall she gave me back the book, just told me never to do that again.
What I did find hurtfull, and I still do a full half-century later, was when I was laying in the sunshine in the garden , reading again, my love and appetite for books was and is as strong as yours, and I said I didn't want to go in F.S , she commanded me to get up, I refused, and she began to kick me ! her own child, I was about 10 or 11 then, I could never do that to one of my children, however the little buggers defied me or whatever.
After that I frequently ran off and didn't go to Meetings or F.S etc, I was always the rebel black sheep of the family.
It is a shame on people like my mother that their blind loyalty to a false religion overides their natural affection, it comes too from fear of "shame" because of what other members of the cult will think, much like the Muslims who kill their daughters for "bringing shame upon the family".
The only shame is born by people so blinded and perverted by their religion.
Welcome again, my fellow Libra verme ! (that is my idea of what bookworm should be in Latin).