I could see them making a case of disassociating yourself if you marry a non-jw while a baptized jw. At this time though they can have a marking talk at the KH without naming the person but saying that jws should shun them in spiritual activities.
Do you think marrying an unbeliever could be a disfellowshipping offense in the future?
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I agree Searcher. Their biggest bug bear are apostates. The brazen conduct label can be used at any indication that a JW has read/heard or recieved any apostate information. It will also be easier to label someone who is not in total unity with the organization than to label them as an apostate.
As an example a JW may wish to speak to an elder about a damning email they recieved. The elder could then explain it away and give a warning not to read such things in the future as it is possible it could be viewed as brazen behaviour.
Given that their counsel is generally to break up such a relationship, I could see them going in that direction. REinstatement wouldn't have to be conditional on divorce, just on sufficient "punishment" time passing.
This won't happen because if you marry and unbeliever and get DF'd, there's little chance of you coming back. Your family is just going to be a non-JW family. There's no guilt or pressure from within the family.
I think it's very likely. Look who were dealing with. The infamous G.B.
How would they know if the person is an unbeliever?
Tell them that the person is from another city in another circuit. Then if they ask for the publisher record card, state that the person was inactive for a while and it got lost.
Interesting thread from a year ago. I am with jgnat on this, if it became a dfing offenense, what would the sinner have to do to show repentance, divorce of course would be unscritural. But Marc and Cora Latham got DF'd for not following counsel. They got married when is could not be proved tha Cora was free to marry, but it was made clear they did not get DF'd for getting married.
The attened the meetings for 3 years before they got RI'd. They made no changes. They did a youtube of this experience but I can't find it. Kate xx
Frazzled UBM
The gender imbalance in the organisation would mean even more single sisters and as others have mentioned less potential recruits. The GB would know that sisters with UBMs generally succeed in bringing up the kids in the TRUFE.
keyser soze
If it starts to happen with more frequency than it does, I could see it happening. The fact of the matter is that they can make anything a disfellowshipping offense if they feel strongly enough about it, and they can come up with a scripture to distort to support their position.
In dubland, one can be df'ed for smoking which is not mentioned in the bible, df'ed for taking a blood transfusion--which is not mentioned in the bible but not df'ed for marrying an unbeliever which is specifically mentioned in the bible as a n- no for christians. Go figure! LOL
just saying!