What I can't seem reconcile are the concepts of 'clergy' and 'ordained minister'.
The WTS has consistently won legal battles, specifically in cases involving military exemption, by making the claim that each and every baptized JW is an 'ordained minister'. And, they bolstered this label with the assertion that 'we do not have a clergy class'.
So, why is that different now in the sex abuse trials that happening right now? Why are not each and every 'ordained minister' held accountable under 'clergy' statutes the same as 'ordained minister' qualified for military exemption? Why are not each and every 'ordained minister' within the JWS not held accountable to mandatory reporting statutes?
I don't know what I am missing here. It seems like the legal definitions and interpretations have a pretty broad stretch to them and I am just not 'getting it'. Or does this even matter?