Very sad story. WT Society is a criminal organization and is guilty of causing thousands of deaths either by suicide, no blood transfusions, Malawi political party card fiasco, and child abuse . Disgusting. GB should be brought up on charges of criminal negligence towards it's members
bethelite kills self because of guilt 10/31/73
by new boy 33 Replies latest jw friends
You didn't kill him. He had a chemical inbalance in his brain whereby he couldn't handle critisism the same way as a normally functioning brain.
Perhaps, but I don't buy into that theory 100%.
it's all a big show. His parents wanted him to be their status symbol and they shamed him into a place where his only viable option was suicide.
Shame on the parents and shame on the watchtower for treating people worse than animals.
Very sad story and is still an ongoing problem within the Borg
I don't know if James Olson ever talked with the Bethel doctors about his issues. Doctor Dixon and Doctor Roylance were particularly cold hearted S.O.B'S and if he did speak with them I am sure that he never got a 'listening ear'. When I spoke with Doctor Roylance about some of my issues he said to me: "If you can't take it here at Bethel then you can always leave." Hoser hit the nail on the head when he posted:"Shame on the Watchtower for treating people worse than animals."
I remember reading this post years ago. Thanks for bumping. There are many that may not have seen this.
Terribly sad story. I agree with Hoser 100%. I know a similar situation where the parents all but forced their sensitive son into Beth-Hell in the mid 1960's. He couldn't take it and came home. The mother was surly and rude, the sister was a stuck-up snot, and the father was a prominate overseer who made his son feel like a failure. His girlfriend became a close friend of mine. The family didn't want him to marry his true love because she came from a "weak" family. It was all too much for beautiful Loren Council. He took a gun, put it in his mouth and ended it all.
Someone jumped out a window in E Building at Wallkill some decades ago too, I remember reading it here, I'll see if I can find it again. Turns out, suicide occurs occasionally at the wonderful, cheerful Bethels.
My oldest brother went to the big house back in 1970. He could not take it, and after six months called wanting to come home, my dad said NO! Hell NO! A month later he just left, with a dollar in his pocket. It took the great ones 3 weeks to call and inquire as to his wearabouts. That was the first we knew of him not being there, and they ask us not to tell anyone. It was 6 month's later that he showed up, at his best friends apartment. He had hicked hiked and bummed around, most of the southern half of the US, from the east coast, to the west. It took my dad a yaer to be civil to him. And the cong longer to stop acting like he was the biggest sinner of all times!!!!!
Dwain, how is your brother now? Did he quit JW's?
What a tragedy and shame on the parents.
When I left bethel and became inactive my mother sent me a text that she no longer had anything to be proud of me over. Dad was a CO and it was a matter of pride for her to tell the congregations that her son was in bethel. It made me sick and I was glad she could no longer gloat about me in front of others.