The voice of dissent will now speak!
OK guys, for the record I don't have anything against coupons per se.
However, they don't work for the way I shop for my family. What do I mean?
If you'll notice the layout of a grocery store, they're all the same for a reason. On the outer walls you'll find:
There are *never* any coupons for these items. I cook everything from scratch, so I'm very rarely in the middle aisles of the grocery store--the coupon aisles. THOSE are the aisles that drive up your grocery bill. Prepared foods and non-necessities. Snacks. Liquor. Ice Cream.. ETC.
Also, I belong to Sam's Club--which doesn't accept coupons. Now, truthfully when I buy an 8 pack of Del Monte canned corn or whatever, I probably only save a few cents per can. But, the convenience of having it sold wholesale works for me. Easier to carry etc.
As far as cleaning supplies, if it can't be cleaned with baking soda, bleach or ammonia I don't own it. Laundry supplies I also buy at wholesale. Smart and Final carries their own brand of detergents, dish and clothing, which I find to be just as good as "tide". Or whatever.
Also, when we moved we purchased a new fridge--so the old one went in the garage. I also purchased a 17 cu ft chest freezer for meats, juice and veggies.
This REALLY helps. My husband LOVES sweet relish, the Vlasic kind. A 32 oz. bottle costs $3.59 at the supermarket. At Smart and Final, a two gallon jar costs $3.59!!!!
Yes it's kind of inconvenient to have to repackage everything, but I have mastered the art of wholesale shopping. I ditched coupons about six years ago.
Coulda been a Mormon Class