
by larc 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    How many of you cut out coupons to save money on your groceries. Well, when we had three hungry teenagers at home, we sure did. We saved $20 a week, that's $1,000 a year after taxes, which more like $1,500 before taxes, which was not chump change for us.

    Now, the kids are gone, but not forgotten. My wife and I don't get into coupons like we once did, but we buy this thing called an Entertainment Book. It is sold in a 150 US cities. It costs $35, and has hundreds of half off coupons for restaurants, everything from burgers to fine steaks. Just curious, do any of you folks do couponing at any level?

    By the way, if you and your spouse, significant other, sex toy, what have you, like to eat out alot, the Entertainment Book is a real deal.

  • VioletAnai

    I'm a sucker for the Woolie's Plus Petrol coupons that save me 6 cents a litre when I spend $50 or more on groceries. Brilliant! Cause petrol is just so bloody expensive at the moment.

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • WildHorses

    I use coupons, With three kids to feed and my being a single parent. I have to. We'd starve if I didn't. lol

    You can save lots of money. Especially when the stores have double coupon days.

    Lilacs/penny pincher class

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • Outaservice

    I've bought the books and clipped many coupons but I always forget to use them or when I remember them they are in the other car.

    Our Sunday paper is loaded with coupons and I wish I would/could use them, but I've resigned myself to being broke for the rest of my life or until Armageddon. Wait a minute, that was back in 75!

    Outaservice (and presently outacoupons)

  • think41self


    With three teenage boys in the house, you don't even want to know what our grocery bill looks like. I used to do coupons, but I absolutely hated spending the time to cut them out, and then pick out the right product at the store to apply it to. Plus, I found that more than half the time, the coupon is for the most expensive brand of any particular product, which I normally wouldn't buy anyway.

    Now, with super WalMart close by...and open 24 hours...I find that I can save my precious time and still save money on groceries.


  • Scully

    We don't have that many coupons here in my area. But I get the sales flyers for ALL the grocery stores in the neighbourhood, and stock up on the specials.

    Also, our gas prices are horrendous too. I noticed a trend that prices would rise mid-week, and then gradually drop over the weekend. I started filling up my gas tank on Tuesday mornings when the prices were at the lowest. I usually save $0.10 to $0.12/litre (about $5 or so on a complete fill) compared to what the prices are on Tuesday afternoon.

    Some of the stores here have a point system that allows you to collect points and then cash them in toward merchandise. I save my points over the course of the year and have a nice amount to spend on holiday goodies in December.

    I learned being thrifty as a JW, all that stuff about "keeping a simple eye" etc. Once you get hooked on it, it's hard to give up!

    Love, Scully

    UADNA-C (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-Canada)

  • larc

    Hey Lilacs,

    We have stores that have double coupons all the time. I think I died and went to heaven. Now, one store has a once a year deal where you get double off up to 2 dollars, usually it is only up to a dollar - made me a happy man.


    I know what ya mean buddy. Sometimes I am so disorganized I can't even find my telephone book, but I get by.

    By the way, this spring, give my regards to the tulips.

  • LDH

    The voice of dissent will now speak!

    OK guys, for the record I don't have anything against coupons per se.

    However, they don't work for the way I shop for my family. What do I mean?

    If you'll notice the layout of a grocery store, they're all the same for a reason. On the outer walls you'll find:


    There are *never* any coupons for these items. I cook everything from scratch, so I'm very rarely in the middle aisles of the grocery store--the coupon aisles. THOSE are the aisles that drive up your grocery bill. Prepared foods and non-necessities. Snacks. Liquor. Ice Cream.. ETC.

    Also, I belong to Sam's Club--which doesn't accept coupons. Now, truthfully when I buy an 8 pack of Del Monte canned corn or whatever, I probably only save a few cents per can. But, the convenience of having it sold wholesale works for me. Easier to carry etc.

    As far as cleaning supplies, if it can't be cleaned with baking soda, bleach or ammonia I don't own it. Laundry supplies I also buy at wholesale. Smart and Final carries their own brand of detergents, dish and clothing, which I find to be just as good as "tide". Or whatever.

    Also, when we moved we purchased a new fridge--so the old one went in the garage. I also purchased a 17 cu ft chest freezer for meats, juice and veggies.

    This REALLY helps. My husband LOVES sweet relish, the Vlasic kind. A 32 oz. bottle costs $3.59 at the supermarket. At Smart and Final, a two gallon jar costs $3.59!!!!

    Yes it's kind of inconvenient to have to repackage everything, but I have mastered the art of wholesale shopping. I ditched coupons about six years ago.

    Coulda been a Mormon Class

  • Billygoat


    We have the Entertainment book here in Dallas and I LOVE IT! Yes, you spend $40 on it a year, but the money you save is more than worth it. Within a year you can buy back that book several times over. It even has coupons in the back for local grocery stores which come in super handy too. $5 dollars off here and there.


    I haven't been on the board much, but I miss you girl! Hope mommyhood is going well for you!

    I've always wanted to have a house with a big deep freeze in the garage. I would totally do everything just like you do. It might take a little time repackaging, but it would save so much money! Sounds like you have it good! Sweet hubby, precious baby, a deep freeze. *sigh* Heehee!


  • LDH

    LOL! ANDI!

    My life has been reduced to repackaging 99 cents/# chicken breasts, LOL and washing baby spitup!

    Wanna know a secret? I didn't even buy my freezer at retail cost!!! I went to Circuit City and asked them if they had any returned/dented/damaged models for sale. (they typically keep them in the back room until a special sale once a year.)

    My luck--they had a 17 cu.ft. freezer for $145!!! The best part, is they always honor the original manufacturer's warranty--so you are always covered. Now maybe I wouldn't want a "dented" model in my kitchen but WHO THE HELL sees the freezer in the garage?!?!?!

    By the way, I've had it for 4 years and I've never had ONE problem. Not one.

    If you go this route, take a voltimeter with you and make sure the condenser coil is functioning properly--you don't want to get nailed with huge utility bills! Ask them to plug the freezer in for 24 hours and go back the next day to check it out. Plug it into the voltimeter and make sure it's only pulling the correct voltage.

    I have amazed hubby many times by doing things NOT by the rules, LOL. Now, he wouldn't have it any other way. Last month Food Maxx had Minute Maid OJ for 50 cents a can--I bought four cases. All in the freezer .

    Capable Wife Class

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