Computer-Porn Ring

by plmkrzy 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • plmkrzy

    This is a kinda follow-up of Cowboy's post
    Got it of the news a bit ago.

    Computer-Porn Ring

    Holding a news conference with FBI officials, Ashcroft revealed that the sting operation had begun in January 2001 and that it continues.
    ``In the past 14 months,'' he said, ``all 56 national FBI field offices investigated hundreds of individuals who were subscibers to the 'Candyman' email group.'' Ashcroft said that among those caught in the sting were police officers, members of the clergy and - in one case - a bus driver
    He said that prior to Monday's announcement, the FBI had arrested 86 people ``on child pornography grounds'' and that 27 members of the ``Candyman'' email group have been arrested and admitted to molesting 36 children.

  • plmkrzy

    with an operation such as this one happening it can only be a major kick-start to a bigger crack down on child abuse in all other areas. Especially with the clergy getting so much exposure.

  • avengers


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Say it isn't so!

    What foul perfidy skulks the shadows!

    Oh, I am shocked and wounded to the core of my heart!

    The heros of my youth lie shattered. I am broken.

    - Nathan Natas, UADNA
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • Makena1

    This stuff really sickens me - and I am glad law enforcement is doing their part to bring it down.

    That said - I have a question for internet computer savvy types. My son (15 years old) and a lot more savvy than I am has been using a software called Morpheus to download music files. Lately he has been getting into Bob Marley and other Reggae artists and may start a band playing this music with some school buddies.
    The other night I check the computer - Morpheus is running, but all the retrieve and send files listed are some of the most disgusting child porn topics I have ever seen. It did not appear that my son was downloading or sending anything - when asked he told me that the site just monitors what files people are sharing with each other. I told him to delete Morpheus and that I would try and confirm what really is happening. I don't want to freak out anymore than I already have. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated!

    All best,

    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • Naeblis

    I'm fairly certain your son is lying to you.. Morpheus monitors what you are downloading, and what others are downloading from you. I'd talk to him about it.

  • Valis

    The scary thing is that I've recieved several emails containing links to such sites. Pisses me off pretty bad so I always report them to the following websites:


    District Overbeer

  • Makena1

    Naeblis - thanks for your reply. I will check this out very thoroughly. Any ideas of how to search my computer - *.??? file extension names?


  • Satanus


    Morpheus is a file sharing program, like napster was, or grockster, audioglaxy. With it one can search for whatever he wants. If one searches for gospel music, one can download that. Porn, programs, pictures, whatever other people w morpheus or kazaa make available. The user tells morpheus where to download to. After that, it can be moved anywhere. Are you sure it wasn't just regular hard porn? He is that age.


  • plmkrzy

    The same thing happened here. I clicked on "Teen sites" to see what was floating around that my teen would be viewing. I could not believe what popped up.!!!!!!!!!
    O H M Y G A W D ! I forward it to the ISP and they sent me and e-mail appalogizing.
    My son uses Morpheus when downloading music. I haven't noticed that happening.

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy

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