Watchtower says Dos and Don'ts are out

by ozziepost 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Every decade or so a statement similar to the above is written in the Watchtower. That way the typical troubled JW can do some research and find the Watchtower rule saying that JWs don't have manmade rules, and then feel REALLY GOOD that he now can believe that Witnesses never follow manmade rules. Why? Because the Watchtower told him so.

    This, in a nutshell, is the essence of Witness research, study and thinking. 'Cause if the Society tells us so, it must be right.


  • Axelspeed
    "Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live (or demand others to live) by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible." (The Watchtower - issue of April 15,2002, page 22, para 15)

    IMO, there has been an unusual amount of this lately. Even the year text is about Christ load being light. The study a few weeks ago about not being pharisaic and feeling the need to fill every gap with a new rule and then telling elders to "just do it". It seems as if there are 2 camps in HQ, the more liberal of which are attempting to move forward a bit. Unfortunately, the message is just too ingrained. Too good a job has been done and so to change people now will be difficult to say the least. Like Imbue said, its the way they are. Years have been invested in "sowing" the "do not think, listen and obey us, and do not question...even in your own thoughts" mentality, to a point of paranoia (which will surely increase with the 5/1 wt). So today most JWs need and "want" rules, whenever there is a question, like babes most run to the elders, not even feeling comfortable with their own research, eyes or brain. Most give canned presentations and rarely use a scripture ...because this is the way they were taught...magazines first, Bible second.

    So most would be lost, or at least uncomfortable without the rules. It is a reaping of sorts.
    There will be, as always, different reactions to some of this "new" thought.

    For most it will go in one ear and out the other. Most will see it as a refreshing "thought", but the next meeting will be business as usual. Most will still look for rules and there will be no shortage of elders willing to keep making them,...because this is the way they were even the most recent of KMS was a lot of legalism and organization, nothing about human issues, doctrine and certainly no answers to any whys anyone might have. And those who do get the sense will never act on this info for fear of being labeled apostate.

    Some will recognize it for what it is, a coming around to the very ideas and spirit of christianity that many were expelled for in the 80s. Even now some of the things in print seem strange for the WT. I think this is causing some to begin to "think".

    The issues on the horizon will further this "thinking". (Though a lot of space has been used talking about a lot of issues, I think the biggie will be the blood issue,...if ever the r&f ever understand and get past some of the medical, sometimes overwhelming terminology, there will be he.. to least for those willing to see it.)

    The problem is not in the saying, but the doing. And a lot of this is due to the fact of "how" it is said. For instance to WT study a couple of weeks ago on "goodness". I don't think there was one paragragh that did not link displaying goodness with placing magazines or without some "motive" other than just wanting to be good. I could'nt find a paragragh to even comment on that referred to just the basic display of goodness. Even the image of the lady (seemimgly dressed up to go to church) receiving help with a flat was linked with a picture of mag placements and a study. What about this thought, doing good (rendering aid) just to be a good person...because its not only the right and human thing, but the good thing. Suppose she turned down the study, would future aid the next time be as forthcoming, or would they pass on the other side like a Levite. I think I know a few who would.

    Uh...sorry about the rambling..and hijacks, sometimes I get worked up. Back to the topic.

  • Bendrr

    In the environment that the GB has spent decades creating, that statement will pass right through one ear and out the other with barely a whoosh amongst the r&f.
    Whenever there is a matter of conscience, it rarely remains up to the individual. Too many dubs feel like they have to measure their brothers and sisters by their own standards. A matter of conscience in the end almost always becomes a matter of the congregation's conscience and the "do" inevitably becomes an unofficial but very enforceable "don't".


  • ozziepost
    Some of your posts of late seem to offer the idea that there will be true reforms if we only wait.... and wait..... and wait... and wait.

    I too was not sure who this was directed to, but since it appears just below my post, I wish to make it quite clear where 'I'm coming from'.



    I trust that's clear enough.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • ozziepost
    Was this in a study article?

    Yes, it's in the seconf study article entitled "Guide Your Steps By Godly Principles".


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Farkel

    Dmouse and several others nailed it to-a-tee. I'm glad to see so many people with their bullshit detectors on "alert" status.

    : Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live (or demand others to live) by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible." (The Watchtower - issue of April 15,2002, page 22, para 15)

    Instead, the WTS will require the R&F to live by an extensive and rigid set of dos and don'ts and will twist and distort the Bible to make it appear that the Bible supports them.

    Same old WT bullshit. Different day.


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