I am sitting at the recent assembly, bored out of my mind (Have you ever heard anyone call these things fun?) and the next speaker walks out on stage.
He starts off with an illustration. He asks the audience to imagine that you and your family live in a house and come to find out a pedophile lives directly across the street from you. He states, "wouldn't you do whatever was necessary to protect your child, to keep them out of harms way? Would you not take proper measure to insure their safety, whatever the cost?
In my mind I can't help but think how ironic this illustration is. I was wondering if he was "awake" and secretly telling all JW parents to get their kids out of this organization for their own safety. I was wrong though, what he says next completely took me by surprise.
He then goes on to say, "There is something even more dangerous then that pedophile living across the street to your children..." "Satan the devil is after your children, something even more dangerous then that pedophile!"
I wanted to stand up and shout out, "you sick SOB!" This guy is honestly saying that there is something more dangerous than a pedophile living across the street to their kids? You are honestly saying that a parent needs to take more precautions with an invisible entity that is after your kids than a physical sick man across the street that can do physical AND emotional damage to the whole life of that child? Heck, in JW land the parent wouldn't even know their is a pedophile sitting right next to their kid at a meeting if it was up to the GB and elders. Yet, here is this elder saying a parent would want to take precautions to one living across the street. At least their is distances, walls, and knowledge separating your kid and the sicko.
This religion is F'ed up. They have such a twisted and down play view of pedophiles. Not only do you use a illustration that would apply to every child that is in this religion and that actually happened to a lot of young JW kids, you then go on to say the devil is worse and requires more caution then a human predator?