JW preoccupation with sugar/candy

by LDH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    When I saw Syn's post about cake night, I laughed out loud.

    I had already been thinking about how much

    CA N DY

    JW's eat. At every meeting you can count on someone unwrapping (noisily) candy. Anything to break the boredom.

    Cake/cookie night is the same song, different tune.

    Director, UADNA

  • slipnslidemaster

    You mean to tell me that your congregation wasn't councilled about eating candy and chewing gum at the meetings?

    We were, time and time again.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Easter so longed for is gone in a day."
    - James Howell

  • Simon

    That's nothing - we used to have an Iranian family who would sit on the front row and get sandwitches out and pass them along the row to all their kids while the meeting was going. Poor visiting speakers didn't know what was going on! We rented a hall from the old-folks-home for a while and the big Christmas tree on the platform confused the hell out of them too.

  • LDH
    time and time again.

    That's my point, Slip! Constant council because the brothers and sisters [8>] ignored that particular piece of Theocratic Advice, LOL!

    Director, UADNA

  • Elsewhere

    LOL simon!

    Had to respect the cultural diversity eh?

    An interesting contradiction, it is OK to eat at the assemblies (the District Assemblies more that the Circuit or Special) but not at the hall... unless of course, you are Iranian.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Dutchie

    When you've been working all day and the kids have been in school all day and then you come home just in time to put on your kingdom hall clothes and get the kids dressed there is no time to worry about a meal. That comes after the Kingdom Hall. So you grab a handful of candy from that stash that you keep on hand to take to the Kingdom Hall so that you will not die of hunger before the meeting is over. (I used to open the candy before I sat down so that no one would hear the paper rattle!)

  • belbab

    Should we notify the FBI Candyman Operation

    If wonder if any JWs are on the list of ninety candy pornographers


  • Seven

    Simon, LOL! I would have gladly traded a few of the Wherther's originals or butterscotchies that lived in the bottom of my Mom's purse for an Iranian sammich!

  • Scully

    Lots of little old sisters we knew seemed to always have handfuls of candies in their bags for the children. Must have been the only way to get any after-meeting association.

    You know what fishermen say: When you have the right bait, you can catch all kinds of fish....

    Speaking of another kind of "candy" there was this lovely British couple, newly immigrated to Canada, who was studying with one of the elders in our KH. They'd just had a new baby too, and were very eager to attend all the meetings, and would sit right up in the front row.

    Well, nobody had the heart to "stumble" this new study, soon-to-be sister. She would sit in the front row, two little tots in tow and new baby in her arms, and whenever the baby would squawk, she'd lift up her blouse and let the baby start breast-feeding right then and there. You could always tell when she was doing it too. The brother on the platform would usually pause mid-sentence, his eyes would open WIDE and then he would deliberately stare AWAY from where she was sitting. I used to have little 'bets' with my brothers on how many times it would happen during the course of the meeting. heh heh

    Love, Scully
    UADNA-C (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-Canada)

  • Reborn2002

    I think JW's have single handedly kept peppermint and butterscotch candy companies financially profitable. Every congregation meeting and Assembly I ever attended, countless people had candy, gum, or something to chew on most likely just to stay awake.

    Hell, I used to sit and count how many licks on my tongue to the center of a Tootsie Pop and count the chairs in my section or the number of lights or dividers on the ceiling just to occupy the time and maintain my sanity Anyone else do this?


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