Lots of little old sisters we knew seemed to always have handfuls of candies in their bags for the children. Must have been the only way to get any after-meeting association.
You know what fishermen say: When you have the right bait, you can catch all kinds of fish....
Speaking of another kind of "candy" there was this lovely British couple, newly immigrated to Canada, who was studying with one of the elders in our KH. They'd just had a new baby too, and were very eager to attend all the meetings, and would sit right up in the front row.
Well, nobody had the heart to "stumble" this new study, soon-to-be sister. She would sit in the front row, two little tots in tow and new baby in her arms, and whenever the baby would squawk, she'd lift up her blouse and let the baby start breast-feeding right then and there. You could always tell when she was doing it too. The brother on the platform would usually pause mid-sentence, his eyes would open WIDE and then he would deliberately stare AWAY from where she was sitting. I used to have little 'bets' with my brothers on how many times it would happen during the course of the meeting. heh heh
Love, Scully
UADNA-C (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-Canada)